Student Guide
Course: Physical Security Planning and Implementation
Lesson 1: Course Introduction
1. Course Information
Provide a thorough understanding of physical security planning and
implementation within the DoD
Military, civilian, and contractor personnel responsible for physical
Pass/Fail %
75% on final examination
completion time
145 minutes
2. Course Overview
Planning for the physical security of Department of Defense (DoD) installations and
resources is imperative for our national security.
In this course, you will learn about various components of physical security planning and
implementation. These components include physical security roles; the risk management
model; facility design; physical security planning documents; the DoD Antiterrorism
Program, which includes Terrorist Threat Levels and Force Protection Conditions
(FPCONs); and the oversight of the physical security program.
3. Course Objectives
Here are the course objectives:
Identify the components of physical security planning and implementation
Identify the roles in physical security
Identify the components of the risk management model
Identify what Terrorist Threat Levels are and who establishes them
Identify what Force Protection Conditions are and who establishes them
Identify physical security protective measures that should be incorporated into
new and existing facility design
Identify physical security planning documents and their purposes, including a
facility’s physical security plan
Identify the purpose of oversight and the oversight tools
Physical Security Planning and Implementation
Course Introduction Student Guide
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4. Course Structure
This course is organized into the lessons listed here:
Course Introduction
What is Physical Security Planning and Implementation?
Facility Design
Physical Security Planning Documents
DoD Antiterrorism Program
Course Conclusion
Student Guide
Course: Physical Security Planning and Implementation
Lesson 2: What is Physical Security Planning and
Lesson Introduction
1. Objectives
This lesson will familiarize you with a variety of concepts related to physical security
planning and implementation in the Department of Defense (DoD), including the risk
management process and the various roles involved in the planning and implementation
of physical security.
Lesson objectives:
Identify the components of physical security planning and implementation
Identify the components of the risk management model
Identify the roles in physical security
2. Overview
Physical security planning is deciding which security measures will be used to prevent
unauthorized access to DoD assets and to safeguard those assets against threats such
as espionage, sabotage, terrorism, damage, and criminal activity. In physical security
planning, the risk management process is used to provide a systematic approach to
acquiring and analyzing the information necessary for protecting assets and allocating
security resources against the threats.
Physical security implementation is the execution of physical security plans, including
the oversight and inspection process, which ensures those plans are properly
3. Policy
The DoD has implemented several DoD-wide policy documents that guide DoD physical
security planning and implementation, such as:
DoD 5200.08-R, Physical Security Program
DoD Instruction (DoDI) 5200.08, Security of DoD Installations and Resources
and the DoD Physical Security Review Board (PSRB)
DoD Directive (DoDD) 3020.26, DoD Defense Continuity Program
DoDI 2000.12, DoD Antiterrorism Program
DoDI 2000.16, DoD Antiterrorism Standards
DoD Antiterrorism Officer Guide
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DoDM 5200.01 DoD Information Security Program
The Army, Navy, Marine Corps, and Air Force issue specific implementation guidance
for their individual service branches. You should always consult your component’s policy
for specific guidance.
Physical Security Planning
1. Risk Management Process
In order to plan and implement effective physical security measures, you must use the
risk management process to determine where and how to allocate your security
resources. The steps in the risk management process are: assess assets; assess
threats; assess vulnerabilities; assess risks; determine countermeasure options; and
make risk management decisions.
For in-depth training on the risk management process, refer to the Risk Management for
DoD Security Programs eLearning course offered by DSS Center for Development of
Security Excellence.
a. Assess Assets
Properly designed and executed physical security programs should deter or
prevent, to the greatest degree possible, the loss of, theft of, or damage to an
asset. DoD assets include people, information, equipment, facilities, activities,
and operations. Combined, these assets are referred to as PIE-FAO. When
assessing an asset, you must determine the nature and value of that asset and
the degree of impact if the asset is damaged or lost.
b. Assess Threats
Next you must identify and assess the threats to those assets. A threat can be an
indication, circumstance, or event with the potential to cause loss of, or damage
to, an asset or capability. Examples of threats include threats from the Foreign
Intelligence Entities, criminal activities, insider threats, terrorist organizations,
cyber threats, and business competitors.
c. Assess Vulnerabilities
Next you must identify the vulnerabilities, or situations or circumstances, which if
left unchanged, may result in the degradation, loss of life, or damage to mission-
essential resources, and determine their extent. Vulnerabilities are weaknesses,
characteristics, or circumstances that can be exploited by an adversary to gain
access to or information from an asset. Vulnerabilities can be the result of a
variety of factors, such as the way a building was constructed, location of people,
equipment, operational practices, and even personal behavior.
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d. Assess Risks
Once you have identified your assets, threats, and vulnerabilities, you must then
assess your risks. Think about the impact if your assets are being compromised,
such as loss of strategic or military advantage or even loss of life.
e. Determine Countermeasure Options
Once you’ve calculated the risks, you must determine which countermeasures
you might employ to protect our DoD assets by reducing our vulnerabilities and
mitigating our threats. Countermeasures include what security measures you
employ up front in facility design, in the day-to-day protection of DoD assets, and
in times when threat levels increase.
f. Make Risk Management Decisions
Once you’ve determined your countermeasure options, you must make risk
management decisions based on the cost versus the benefit of protecting DoD
2. Activities
Several activities comprise the physical security planning phase. Physical security
planning must begin with the design of any facility, installation, or mission. Including
physical security measures in the design phase is critical to the protection of mission
capabilities and is essential for an effective physical security program.
Physical security planning includes the creation of written plans, such as the Physical
Security Plan, Standard Operating Procedures, and Post Orders. Experience has proven
that by establishing written plans, all people involved understand their roles,
responsibilities, and procedures both in the day-to-day physical security program as well
as in the event of an emergency.
Physical security planning also includes antiterrorism, or AT, planning, which is planning
for the defensive measures to be used to reduce the vulnerability of individuals and
property to terrorist attacks.
Physical Security Implementation
1. Activities
Physical security implementation occurs in a variety of ways. When you incorporate
physical security measures in the construction or renovation of facilities according to the
facility design plans, you are implementing physical security.
The various physical security planning documents are used to implement physical
security measures both on a day-to-day basis and in emergency situations.
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When implementing antiterrorism measures, the DoD uses Terrorist Threat Levels and
Force Protection Conditions to communicate levels of threat in specific areas and what
security measures are to be used in response to those threats.
To ensure the appropriate implementation of physical security measures, you can use a
variety of oversight tools. These tools include day-to-day observations, surveys, staff
assist visits, inspections, and analysis of reports.
You will learn more about each of these topics later in this course.
Physical Security Roles
1. Groups Involved in Physical Security
Physical security is not about one entity taking care of everything, but rather an
integrated and coherent effort for the protection of national security and other DoD
assets. There are several groups and individuals involved in physical security planning
and implementation. As a physical security specialist, you will assume some of these
roles, serve on many of these working groups, and interact with others. The groups
involved in physical security planning and implementation include the Antiterrorism
Working Group (ATWG), Information Systems Security Managers (ISSMs), Legal
Officers, the Threat Working Group (TWG), and the Defense Critical Infrastructure
Program (DCIP) working group.
As outlined in DoD Instruction (DoDI) 2000.16, DoD Antiterrorism Standards, the
Antiterrorism Working Group (ATWG) meets at least semi-annually and oversees
the implementation of the Antiterrorism (AT) program that protects DoD assets
against terrorism. They accomplish this by developing and refining AT plans and
addressing emergent or emergency AT Program issues. The ATWG comprises
the Antiterrorism Officer (ATO), the Installation Commander or designated
representative, representatives of the principal staff, including a chemical,
biological, radiological, nuclear, and high yield explosive representative, tenant
unit representatives, and others as directed by Installation Commanders.
b. ISSMs
The Information Systems Security Managers (ISSMs) are responsible for the
security of information systems. They coordinate physical security measures and
develop contingency plans for the protection of the information systems.
c. Legal Officers
Legal Officers work closely with the Antiterrorism Officer and others to ensure
that security considerations are properly and legally incorporated into the
physical security plan.
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d. TWG
As outlined in DoD Instruction (DoDI) 2000.16, DoD Antiterrorism Standards, the
Threat Working Group (TWG) meets at least quarterly and is responsible for
developing and refining terrorism threat assessments based on the threats
against DoD assets. The TWG also coordinates and disseminates threat
warnings, reports, and summaries. This group comprises an Antiterrorism
Officer, the Installation Commander or designated representative, members of
the staff, tenant unit representatives, law enforcement representatives, and the
Intelligence Community (IC).
As outlined in Department of Defense Directive (DoDD) 3020.40, DoD Policy and
Responsibilities for Critical Infrastructure, the Defense Critical Infrastructure
Program (DCIP) working group is responsible for developing and providing
installation Critical Infrastructure Protection (CIP) policy, program execution, and
oversight recommendations, which include identifying and prioritizing mission
essential critical assets and infrastructures and assessing their vulnerability and
risk to human error, natural disasters, or intentional physical or cyber attack. This
group also develops strategies for remediating or mitigating vulnerabilities and
risks to critical assets and infrastructures.
The information in the box below will not be on the test, but it may provide you with useful background and
The Antiterrorism (AT) program is one of several security-related programs that fall
under the overarching Combating Terrorism and Force Protection programs. The AT
program is a collective, proactive effort focused on the prevention and detection of
terrorist attacks against DoD personnel, their families, facilities, installations, and
infrastructure critical to mission accomplishment as well as the preparation to defend
against and planning for the response to the consequences of terrorist incidents.
Although not elements of AT, plans for terrorism consequence management
preparedness and response measures as well as plans for continuing essential military
operations are important adjuncts to an effective AT program. The minimum elements of
an AT program are AT risk management, planning, training and exercises, resource
application, and a program review.
2. Individuals Involved in Physical Security
The agencies and organizations that protect our national security and DoD assets are
comprised of individuals who play an important part in the mission of physical security.
These individuals include the Installation Commander or Facility Director; the
Antiterrorism Officer (ATO); Counterintelligence (CI) support personnel; local, state, and
federal law enforcement officials; the Operations Security (OPSEC) Officer;
the Physical Security Officer; the Defense Critical Infrastructure Program (DCIP) Officer;
and the Civil Engineer.
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a. Installation Commander/Facility Director
Installation Commanders or Facility Directors are responsible for several aspects
of physical security. These responsibilities include the safety and protection of
the people and property under their command; planning, forming, coordinating,
and integrating all physical security matters into their installation; and identifying
mission essential capabilities.
Department of Defense Instruction (DoDI) 5200.08, Security of DoD Installations
and Resources and the DoD Physical Security Review Board (PSRB), authorizes
commanders to issue regulations for the protection and security of property or
places under their command and to take reasonably necessary and lawful
measures to maintain law and order and to protect installation personnel and
b. ATO
The Antiterrorism Officer (ATO) manages the installation or facility Antiterrorism
(AT) program. This program uses defensive measures to reduce the vulnerability
of individuals and property to terrorist attacks.
c. CI Support Personnel
Counterintelligence (CI) support personnel are vital to supporting the physical
security mission. They are responsible for providing information on the
capabilities, intentions, and threats of our adversaries. They must pay particularly
close attention to those adversaries associated with foreign intelligence entities.
In addition, CI support personnel are there to provide valuable assessments of
counterintelligence considerations in support of physical security programs.
d. Law Enforcement Officials
Local, state, and Federal law enforcement officials are vital to the physical
security program. Effective liaison with these officials fosters good working
relationships so we can coordinate antiterrorism concerns and efforts, prepare an
emergency response, and address criminal incidents. Coordination activities
support mutual understanding of jurisdiction and authority.
e. OPSEC Officer
The Operations Security (OPSEC) Officer is an integral part of the physical
security team. These individuals facilitate the process for identifying critical
information, identifying threats to specific assets, assessing vulnerabilities to
assets, analyzing risk to specific assets and to national security as a whole, and
assist in developing countermeasures against potential threats to national
security and other DoD assets.
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f. Physical Security Officer
The Physical Security Officer is charged with managing, implementing, and
directing physical security programs. This person may also be responsible for the
development and maintenance of physical security plans, instructions,
regulations, and standard policies and procedures. He or she may also
coordinate with local law enforcement agencies, antiterrorism officers, and loss
prevention personnel. The Physical Security Officer also conducts inspections
and performs other oversight activities.
g. DCIP Officer
The Defense Critical Infrastructure Program (DCIP) Officer is responsible for
carrying out the DCIP mission within a given installation or facility. The DCIP
Officer is responsible for the identification, assessment, and effective risk
management of Defense Critical Infrastructure (DCI) assets essential to mission
success of a given installation or facility. This person also collaborates with DCI
asset owners and public and private-sector activities essential to mission
success of a given installation or facility. Examples of DCI assets include power
grids, network hubs, and transportation lanes.
h. Civil Engineer
As part of Security Engineering Facilities Planning, the Civil Engineer provides
planning, design, and support to physical security, force protection, and
antiterrorism programs at installations. The Civil Engineer evaluates, manages,
and develops design criteria for DoD physical security projects in accordance
with DoD Security Engineering concepts and standards contained in the Unified
Facilities Criteria (UFC).
Those design criteria include the assets that should be protected; the threats to
those assets in terms of the potential aggressor tactics and their associated
weapons, tools, explosives, and agents; the levels to which those assets should
be protected against the threats; how those criteria, in combination with building
types and some limited site information can be used to develop a planning level
cost estimate for mitigating the effects of the threat; and how the design criteria
may impact project scope.
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Review Activity 1
Which of the following statements are true of physical security planning and
implementation? Select all that apply. Then check your answers in the Answer Key at
the end of this Student Guide.
The risk management process must be used to plan which physical security
measures should be utilized to protect DoD assets.
Protection of DoD assets must be performed at any cost; therefore, a cost vs.
benefit analysis is not necessary.
Use of oversight tools is an important part of physical security implementation.
Facility design must be considered in physical security planning.
Review Activity 2
Select the best answer. Then check your answers in the Answer Key at the end of this
Student Guide.
Terrorist Fence
Arms and
Loss of
best be described as a DoD
best be described as a
best be described as a
best be described as a
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Review Activity 3
Select the appropriate words from the Word Bank to complete the statements below.
Then check your answers in the Answer Key at the end of this Student Guide.
Word Bank
A. Law Enforcement
B. Antiterrorism Officer
C. OPSEC Officer
D. CI Support
E. Physical Security Officer
F. DCIP Officer
Installation Commander/
Facility Director
1. The [blank] is responsible for the installation’s antiterrorism program.
2. [blank] is responsible for providing valuable information on the capabilities,
intentions, and threats of adversaries.
3. The [blank] analyzes threats to assets and their vulnerabilities.
4. [blank] must be included in the intelligence gathering process so that they can
be part of coordinating emergency responses and criminal incidents on a Federal
5. The [blank] is charged with the management, implementation, and direction of
all physical security programs.
6. The [blank] is responsible for the safety of people and property under their
7. The [blank] is responsible for mitigating risks against Defense Critical
Infrastructure assets that support the mission of an installation or facility.
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Answer Key
Review Activity 1
Which of the following statements are true of physical security planning and
The risk management process must be used to plan which physical security
measures should be utilized to protect DoD assets.
Feedback: True. Assets, threats, vulnerabilities, and risks must be identified before
determining which physical security countermeasures to use.
Protection of DoD assets must be performed at any cost; therefore, a cost vs.
benefit analysis is not necessary.
Feedback: False. Cost vs. benefit must always be considered when planning the
protection of DoD assets.
Use of oversight tools is an important part of physical security implementation.
Feedback: True. Oversight toolssuch as observations, surveys, and inspectionsare
important in ensuring that physical security is being implemented appropriately.
Facility design must be considered in physical security planning.
Feedback: True. Physical security countermeasures must always be planned for when
designing a facility.
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Review Activity 2
Question Answer Feedback
Which of the following
would best be described as
a DoD asset?
Arms and
Arms and ammunition would be considered
equipment assets in PIE-FAO, which stands for
the following DoD assets: People, Information,
Equipment, Facilities, Activities, and Operations.
Which of the following
would best be described as
a threat?
A terrorist is a threat to DoD assets.
Which of the following
would best be described as
a vulnerability?
A gate to an installation that was inadvertently left
open and unattended would be a vulnerability as
that would make it easier for unauthorized access
to the installation.
Which of the following
would best be described as
a risk?
Loss of life
Loss of life is a very important risk you must
consider when planning for the physical security of
an installation or facility.
Which of the following
would best be described as
a countermeasure?
A fence is one of many physical security
countermeasures used to protect DoD assets.
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Review Activity 3
Word Bank
A. Law Enforcement
B. Antiterrorism Officer
C. OPSEC Officer
D. CI Support
E. Physical Security Officer
F. DCIP Officer
Installation Commander/
Facility Director
1. The [blank] is responsible for the installation’s antiterrorism program. Answer B,
Antiterrorism Officer.
2. [blank] is responsible for providing valuable information on the capabilities,
intentions, and threats of adversaries. Answer D, CI Support.
3. The [blank] analyzes threats to assets and their vulnerabilities. Answer C,
OPSEC Officer.
4. [blank] must be included in the intelligence gathering process so that they can
be part of coordinating emergency responses and criminal incidents on a Federal
installation. Answer A, Law Enforcement.
5. The [blank] is charged with the management, implementation, and direction of
all physical security programs. Answer E, Physical Security Officer.
6. The [blank] is responsible for the safety of people and property under their
command. Answer G, Installation Commander/ Facility Director.
7. The [blank] is responsible for mitigating risks against Defense Critical
Infrastructure assets that support the mission of an installation or facility. Answer
F, DCIP Officer.
Student Guide
Course: Physical Security Planning and Implementation
Lesson 3: Facility Design
Lesson Introduction
1. Objectives
The design of facilities and installations is critical to the protection of DoD assets. This
lesson will familiarize you with the physical security protective measures that should be
included in new DoD facility construction as well as in renovations.
Lesson objective:
Identify physical security protective measures that should be incorporated into
new and existing facility design
Physical Security and Facility Design
1. Purpose
Properly designed facilities protect DoD assets by providing a physical and
psychological deterrence to intruders such that the risk of intruding would be easily
exposed. The design alone, plus additional security measures, can make a facility a hard
target for adversaries. On the other hand, soft target facilities are typically identified as
having minimal or no security measures, which may leave little or no evidence of a
breech in security. You will find physical security planning, system acquisition,
construction, and leasing standards in DoD 5200.08-R, Physical Security Program.
When deciding which physical security measures to include in your facility design, there
are other factors you must consider. These considerations include assessing the risks to
your assets, costs associated with acquiring and maintaining the physical security
measures, functionality and interoperability of the security measures, as well as future
The information in the box below will not be on the test, but it may provide you with useful background and
Hard targets include installations, facilities, or activities that provide a physical and
psychological deterrence to intruders through the use of physical security measures.
Soft targets include installations, facilities, or activities with little or no security
measures so it is easy to breech their security.
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Facility Design Student Guide
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2. Physical Security Measures
The first line of defense in any facility is usually some form of perimeter protection
system. The perimeter of an installation or facility is the outermost area of responsibility.
Barriers, fences, and lighting are integral parts of this protection system. Another line of
defense includes intrusion detection systems (IDS), access control systems, closed
circuit television (CCTV), and barring man-passable openings.
For a more detailed look at each of these physical security measures, refer to the
Physical Security Measures eLearning course offered by DSS Center for Development
of Security Excellence (CDSE). For the specifications of these security measures, refer
to Military Handbook 1013/1A, Military Handbook 1013/10, and specific DoD component
guidance. Let’s take a look at how each of these physical security measures protects an
installation or facility.
1. Purpose
After the terrorist attacks on September 11, 2001, you may have noticed more barriers
appearing in front of federal buildings and DoD installations and facilities. Appropriately
designed and located barriers are required to delay a forced entry threat or to stop a
standoff, ballistic, or vehicle bomb attack. In the case of forced entry, the delay must be
sufficient to allow the system time to detect, assess, and react appropriately. Barriers are
also used to define boundaries and channel traffic through designated access control
points where pedestrians, vessels, and vehicles can be monitored and searched for
prohibited items.
2. Types
Barrier systems are considered active if they require action by personnel or equipment to
permit entry to personnel or vehicles. Examples of active barriers include manually or
electronically operated gates or turnstiles and hydraulic pop-up vehicle barriers.
Passive barriers rely on their bulk or mass to be effective and they have no moving
parts. Examples of passive barriers include perimeter or vehicle barriers, temporary
barriers, building perimeter barriers, and interior barriers.
Natural barriers are topographical features that assist in impeding or denying access to
an area. Examples of natural barriers are rivers, cliffs, canyons and dense growth.
3. Considerations
You must consider various factors when deciding which types of barriers to use as
physical security measures on your installation or facility:
Do they need to be crash-rated to resist a vehicle’s attempt to crash through
them? Having a crash rating will increase the cost of the barrier, so cost must
also be considered.
Does the barrier need to be aesthetically pleasing?
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Whatever type of barrier you decide to use, you must ensure that the installation or
facility has the proper equipment to move the barriers when necessary. And you must
ensure that the barriers are located in such a way that they do not block handicap
access or emergency response vehicles.
1. Purpose
Fencing is a vital part of your physical security program. Fences define a particular area,
such as a military installation, and provide legal evidence of intent. They hold up signs
and protect bulky assets. Finally, fences control both vehicular and pedestrian traffic,
which prevents inadvertent entry and delays unauthorized entry.
2. Types
The DoD uses different types of fencing materials, the most common of which is chain
link fence. DoD specifications require that chain link fencing be constructed of 9-gauge
or heavier galvanized steel mesh wire of no more than 2 inches in diameter, be at least 6
to 8 feet tall, and the bottom should be no more than 2 inches from the ground. While
economical, a chain link fence alone does not afford as much protection as one
equipped with top guards, also known as outriggers, and barbed or concertina wire or
other enhanced security standards.
In addition to being used as supplemental protection on chain link fences, both barbed
wire and concertina, also known as c-wire, can be used as standalone fences or
barriers. Concertina wire comes in 50 foot length coils that can be either 12 or 60 inches
high and are stackable. As a standalone barrier, concertina wire is commonly used in
combat environments.
Barbed wire fencing is made of 12-gauge twisted double strand wire with four point
barbs spaced 4 inches apart on top. The vertical distance between the strands of wire
should be no more than 6 inches apart. Standalone barbed wire fencing posts should be
at least 7 feet high with 4 feet above ground, should be made of wood at least 4 inches
in diameter, and should be spaced no further than 10 feet apart. In the DoD, barbed wire
is more commonly used as an outrigger than as a standalone fence.
Metal ornamental high security fencing is more aesthetically pleasing than the other
fencing types and is one of the most secure types of fencing the DoD uses because it
can be equipped with anti-climb inserts, anti-ram cabling, and a K-rated crash barrier,
and can house fiber and cabling for other electronic security systems.
3. Considerations
When deciding which type of fencing materials to use for an installation or facility, you
must consider:
The degree of protection required, which would be based on the value of the
assets being secured and the threats to those assets
The cost of the fencing versus the risk
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The location of the fencing, such as whether the fencing will be temporary, as is
often used in a tactical environment, or permanent,
The physical appearance of the fencing. For example, does it need to be
aesthetically pleasing and secure, or is security the primary concern?
1. Purpose
Lighting serves several purposes in your physical security program. First, lighting deters
unauthorized entry. It provides a psychological deterrence to intruders. An intruder may
decide the risk of exposure is too great, and therefore, would choose to break in
somewhere else.
Second, a properly designed and installed lighting system allows security forces to
detect intruders before they reach their targets, or expose them after they reach their
targets, depending on the type of lighting in use. When closed-circuit television (CCTV)
is used, the lighting system should provide sufficient illumination for the cameras.
Third, the use of glare lighting, which is a type of continuous lighting, can incapacitate
intruders by causing discomfort and even disability to an intruder.
For a more detailed look at lighting as a physical security measure, refer to the Exterior
Security Lighting eLearning course offered by CDSE.
2. Types
The DoD uses four types of lighting in its installations and facilities. They are:
Continuous, which consists of a series of fixed luminaries arranged to flood a
given area with overlapping cones of light continuously during the hours of
Standby, which are manually or automatically turned on when suspicious activity
is detected or suspected by the security force, alarm system, or motion detector
Emergency, which is back-up lighting used during power failures or other
emergencies when normal systems are inoperative
Movable, which is normally used to supplement continuous or standby lighting
3. Considerations
When planning what type of lighting to use for the security of your facility, you must
consider several factors such as the cost of the lights, characteristics of the lights,
positioning of the lights, and maintenance.
a. Characteristics
You must consider the characteristics of different lights when planning which type
of lighting to use in a facility. These characteristics include the number of watts
required for a given light, the time it takes in minutes for a light to illuminate when
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it is first turned on, as well as the time it takes to relight, which is the re-strike
time. You must also consider color discrimination and the expected life-span of
the particular light. For example, you wouldn’t want to use a light fixture that
requires frequent light bulb changes in a place that is difficult to reach. Instead,
you may want to use a more expensive light bulb that will last longer and require
fewer changes.
b. Positioning
A very important factor to consider with your lighting systems is the positioning of
the lighting. Light should be directed down and away from the protected area.
Every effort should be made to locate lighting units far enough inside the fence
and high enough to illuminate areas both inside and outside the boundary. The
lights should be located so they avoid throwing a glare into the eyes of the
guards but instead create a glare problem for anyone approaching the boundary.
In addition, the lights should not create shadowy areas which could identify guard
c. Maintenance
Maintaining light fixtures is very important so the lights are available to keep your
facilities secure. Light fixtures must be inspected regularly to replace worn parts,
verify that connections are working, repair worn insulation, check for corrosion in
weatherproof fixtures, and clean reflecting surfaces and lenses. In addition, the
operational hours of lamps should be logged, and the lamps should be replaced
between 80 and 90 percent of their rated life.
Man-passable Openings
1. Security Considerations
Virtually every facility and installation has a number of miscellaneous openings that
penetrate the perimeter such as drain pipes, sewers, culverts, utility tunnels, exhaust
conduits, air intake pipes, manhole covers, air conditioning ducts, fire escapes,
equipment access panels, coal chutes, and sidewalk elevators. If any of these openings
have a cross-section area of 96 square inches or greater, then a human may be capable
of passing through them, hence the term man-passable openings.
Very often these man-passable openings are overlooked in security planning, but they
must be taken into account because they are frequently the most effective ways of
gaining entrance into a facility without being observed. These openings must be
eliminated or at a minimum secured with barriers, grillwork, bars, barbed wire, or doors
with adequate locking devices.
Closed Circuit Television
1. Purpose
Closed circuit television (CCTV) plays a very important role in our physical security
mission. Using CCTV is an excellent means for deterring loss, theft, or misuse of
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government property and resources, as well as unauthorized entry. The recordings on
the CCTV may provide evidence of these security breaches. Security personnel are able
to monitor multiple areas simultaneously, thereby possibly reducing manpower
requirements. In some instances, a camera may capture activity missed by security
force personnel or details guard force personnel may not be able to readily observe in
CCTV is used in a variety of facilities, installations, and activities, in areas ranging from
some of our most sensitive DoD assets, through and including commissaries and
exchanges, where they are used as a means to prevent and deter pilferage.
For more information on CCTV, refer to CDSE’s Electronic Security Systems eLearning
The information in the box below will not be on the test, but it may provide you with useful background and
Closed circuit television is a security system with a camera that captures an image,
converts it to a video signal, and transmits it to a monitoring station.
2. Considerations
When considering the use of CCTV as a physical security measure in a facility or
installation, you must consider the cost of the system versus the benefit it might provide.
Part of the decision includes whether color or black and white is necessary. You must
also consider how that system should be protected from tampering and from the
elements, if it is installed outdoors. In addition, you must consider if sufficient light is
available for the particular model and if light will impact the operation of the cameras.
Intrusion Detection Systems
1. Purpose
An Intrusion Detection System (IDS) is a security system that detects a change in the
environment and transmits an alarm, either in the immediate vicinity or to a monitoring
station which, in turn, notifies security forces. The purpose of an IDS is to deter, detect,
and document intrusion. An IDS does not prevent an intrusion, but rather detects a
change in the environment which could be the result of an intruder or something else
requiring further investigation.
2. Considerations
Some factors to consider when selecting an IDS include asset criticality, design
considerations, environment, location, and perceived threat:
Asset criticality helps define the degree of protection required, based on the
importance of the asset to the mission. Asset criticality also helps define such
factors as communication line security and security force response time
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Design considerations include construction of the building, room, or area being
Environmental considerations include electromagnetic interference, humidity,
saltwater laden atmosphere, dust, weather conditions, animals, and insects.
Location considerations include the geography, whether the area being protected
is inside or outside a government installation or facility, whether it is within or
outside the continental United States.
The perceived threat factor includes considerations of the degree of protection
required to counter the threat including the type and level of criminal activity.
Access Control Systems
1. Purpose and Types
Access control systems allow authorized personnel into a controlled area, such as an
installation, building, or controlled space, while preventing unauthorized personnel from
entering the area. There are different types of access control systems, from very
simplistic manual systems, to more costly automated electronic systems. The type of
access control is usually determined based on risk management.
There are several manual control systems being used for access to various controlled
areas in the DoD:
The basic manual access control system is simply personal recognition.
Employees are trained to recognize and respond to the presence of unauthorized
Another form of manual access control is using an acceptable form of
identification such as the Common Access Card (CAC).
Some facilities may still require additional measures for entry which include
comparing a valid form of identification to an access roster or the Joint Personnel
Adjudication System (JPAS) a badge exchange program whereby one type of
identification or badge is exchanged for one displayed within the controlled area,
and a cipher access control device, which can be either manual or electronic.
Technology has provided many options in electronic automated access control systems:
Some employ biometrics, such as fingerprints, hand geometry, handwriting, iris
scan, and voice recognition.
Others, such as card swipe readers, proximity card systems, and key systems do
not employ biometrics, but rather, rely on the personal information embedded in
the identification card, which is typically the CAC in the DoD.
The information in the box below will not be on the test, but it may provide you with useful background and
A controlled area refers to a facility, installation, or controlled space.
The Common Access Card (CAC) is the Department of Defense's implementation of
smart card technology. A smart card is a credit card size device, normally for carrying
and use by personnel that contains one or more integrated circuits and also may
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employ one or more of the following technologies: magnetic stripe, bar codes, non-
contact and radio frequency transmitters, biometric information, encryption and
authentication, or photo identification.
The Joint Personnel Adjudication System is a system used by host activities to verify
the level of access eligibility for visiting individuals.
2. Considerations
The various types of manual and automated access control systems each have various
physical security planning and implementation considerations.
One concern with badge systems is the requirement to reissue all badges based upon a
percentage of lost or missing badges. Mass reissuance of badges to all badge holders
incurs a significant cost. This cost must be weighed against the risk of having
unaccounted for badges in circulation. Another concern with badge systems is the
holder's failure to report loss of a badge to the appropriate authority. Badge systems also
require more security personnel than other manual systems, such as cipher locks, and
automated systems.
If manual access control systems do not meet the appropriate access requirements
based on the sensitivity of the protected area, an automated access control system may
be a better solution. However, there are several things to consider when selecting
automated access control systems which range from cost, reliability, and complexity of
the technology to file capacity, resistance to counterfeiting, enrollment time, error rates,
personal privacy issues, loss of badges, and compromise of PINs. In addition,
automated control systems may lead to a false sense of security.
The information in the box below will not be on the test, but it may provide you with useful background and
For card access systems with Personal Identification Number (PIN) options, the
readers have keypads into which the PIN is entered. In most cases, the PIN is not
stored in the central controller's memory, but is derived from the credential identification
(ID) numbers, following some encryption algorithms. In this case, the reader matches
the entered PIN with the calculated number to validate the coded credential before it
sends the data to the central controller. The preferred method is a system that either
assigns a PIN or allows users to select their own PIN that is not related to the badge ID
number. PINs are vulnerable to covert discovery by unauthorized personnel via visual
observation of the keypad entry sequence or poor control of code numbers by users.
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Review Activity 1
Which of the following statements are true about security lighting? Select true or false for
each statement. Then check your answers in the Answer Key at the end of this Student
Statement True False
Flashlights are a reliable form of continuous lighting.
Emergency lighting depends upon the power supply of the utility company.
Standby lighting is the type of lighting used when the primary power source
Certain types of lighting can incapacitate an intruder.
Controlled lighting is used to illuminate the perimeter of a facility.
Review Activity 2
Select the appropriate words from the Word Bank to complete the statements below.
Then check your answers in the Answer Key at the end of this Student Guide.
Word Bank
A. Barbed wire
B. Concertina wire
C. Chain-link fencing
D. Metal ornamental high-
security fencing
1. [blank] is often used as a temporary barrier when rolled out on the ground.
2. [blank] can be used as permanent standalone fencing but is more often used as
an outrigger on the top of the chain link fencing.
3. [blank] is more difficult for intruders to scale.
4. [blank] is a common type of perimeter fencing for DoD facilities.
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Review Activity 3
Which of the following statements are true about physical security measures used in
facilities and installations? Select true or false for each statement. Then check your
answers in the Answer Key at the end of this Student Guide.
Statement True False
Securing man-passable openings is one of the most overlooked physical
security protective measures.
Intrusion Detection Systems (IDS) prevent unauthorized entry.
Cost and risk must always be considered when planning which physical
security measures to use in a facility or installation.
Access control systems help to prevent unauthorized entry.
CCTV can deter loss, theft, or misuse of government property and resources.
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Answer Key
Review Activity 1
Which of the following statements are true about security lighting?
Statement True False
Flashlights are a reliable form of continuous lighting.
Emergency lighting depends upon the power supply of the utility company.
Standby lighting is the type of lighting used when the primary power source
Certain types of lighting can incapacitate an intruder.
Controlled lighting is used to illuminate the perimeter of a facility.
Review Activity 2
Word Bank
A. Barbed wire
B. Concertina wire
C. Chain-link fencing
D. Metal ornamental high-
security fencing
1. [blank] is often used as a temporary barrier when rolled out on the ground.
Answer B, Concertina wire.
2. [blank] can be used as permanent standalone fencing but is more often used as
an outrigger on the top of the chain link fencing. Answer A, Barbed wire.
3. [blank] is more difficult for intruders to scale. Answer D, Metal ornamental high-
security fencing.
4. [blank] is a common type of perimeter fencing for DoD facilities. Answer C,
Chain-link fencing.
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Review Activity 3
Which of the following statements are true about physical security measures used in
facilities and installations?
Statement True False
Securing man-passable openings is one of the most overlooked physical
security protective measures.
Intrusion Detection Systems (IDS) prevent unauthorized entry.
Cost and risk must always be considered when planning which physical
security measures to use in a facility or installation.
Access control systems help to prevent unauthorized entry.
CCTV can deter loss, theft, or misuse of government property and resources.
Student Guide
Course: Physical Security Planning and Implementation
Lesson 4: Physical Security Planning Documents
Lesson Introduction
1. Objective
In order to implement effective protection for DoD assets, documentation of planned
physical security measures and procedures is required. These physical security planning
documents are as follows: Physical Security Plans, Standard Operating Procedures,
Post Orders, Continuity of Operations Plans, and outside agreements called
Memorandum of Agreement and Memorandum of Understanding.
Lesson objective:
Identify physical security planning documents and their purposes, including a
facility’s Physical Security Plan
Physical Security Plan
1. Purpose
Consistent with DoDI 5200.08, Security of DoD Installations and Resources and the DoD
Physical Security Review Board (PSRB), installation commanders and facility directors
must consider threats, assess vulnerabilities, and plan for the protection of assets by
clearly defining protective measures required to safeguard DoD assets in a Physical
Security Plan. These plans must be constant, practical, flexible to the mission, and
responsive to the needs of the installation commander or facility director.
Physical Security Plans for installations and facilities are usually one overarching plan
that may be supplemented by local, command, or facility directives, often implemented
by Standard Operating Procedures (SOP), and Post Orders. As a physical security
professional, you are responsible for recommending the physical security measures to
be included in the Physical Security Plan.
2. Parts of the PSP
It is essential that each installation, unit, or activity maintains and uses a detailed
Physical Security Plan (PSP). The plan should include the purpose of the plan, the area
being secured, the control measures for access and movement and security aids, as
well as annexes to the plan, and considerations that must be included when the plan is
created for a tactical environment.
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The format and specific content of Physical Security Plans may vary between
components, installations, units, or activities, but they all cover the same basic
information covered in this lesson. Physical Security Plans may contain information that
is For Official Use Only (FOUO) or Classified and must be handled accordingly.
a. Purpose
Every Physical Security Plan must include the purpose of the plan. You should
state that the plan covers the physical security policies and procedures for the
security and safeguarding of a particular area such as an installation or facility
and define the area. You should also reference that it covers the assets of any
tenant organizations in the installation or facility.
b. Applicability/Area Security
In the Applicability or Area Security section, the plan must outline exactly which
areas, buildings, and other structures are covered by the plan.
c. Access and Movement
In the Access and Movement part of the Control Measures section, the plan must
outline the controls for personnel, vehicles, and material moving into, out of, and
within the installation or facility.
Personnel access controls should include authority for access; what criteria is
used for access for different people such as personnel, visitors, maintenance,
contractors, and emergency response teams; and identification and control,
which should describe the type of system, such as a badging system, that is to
be used in each area.
Vehicle access controls should include the policy for conducting searches on
military and privately owned vehicles (POVs) parking regulations, and controls for
entering into restricted and administrative areas for different types of vehicles
such as military and emergency vehicles, and POVs, as well as controls for
vehicle registration.
Material controls should include incoming requirements such as search and
inspection and special controls on the delivery of supplies into restricted areas,
outgoing requirements such as documentation and classified shipments, and
controls on the movement of nuclear warheads and chemicals on the installation
and in shipments as well as controls for pickups and deliveries of these items.
d. Security Aids
In the Security Aids part of the Control Measures section, the plan must outline
how the various physical security measures will be implemented around the
installation or facility. These security aids include protective barriers, which
include clear zones, signs, and gates; protective and emergency lighting
systems; intrusion detection systems (IDS); communications; security forces;
contingency plans; use of air surveillance; coordinating instructions with other
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military and civil agencies; and physical security measures for the storage of
material including storage of materials for all tenants on the installation or facility.
e. Annexes
Annexes to the Physical Security Plan should include, but are not limited to, the
following: Threat Statement, Bomb Threat Plan, Installation Closure Plan,
Natural-Disaster Plan, Civil Disturbance Plan, Resource Plan, Communication
Plan, Designated Restricted/Controlled Areas, Installation Priority Listing,
Contingency Plan, and Work-Stoppage Plan.
The information in the box below will not be on the test, but it may provide you with useful background and
Annex A: Threat Statement
The installation threat statement should contain the local threat assessment in relation to the
geographic area and attempt to anticipate criminal, terrorist and intelligence activities that
threaten installation assets and personnel.
Annex B: Bomb Threat Plan
At a minimum, the bomb threat plan should provide guidance for:
Control of the operation
Finding the bomb or suspected bomb
Detonation and damage control
Control of publicity
After-action report
Annex C: Installation Closure Plan
At a minimum, the installation closure plan should provide guidance for:
Road closures
Restriction plans
Contingency road closures
Coordination with local, county and state law enforcement
Annex D: Natural-Disaster Plan
The natural-disaster plan must be coordinated with natural-disaster plans of local jurisdictions.
At a minimum, the natural-disaster plan should provide guidance for:
Control of the operation
Control of publicity
After-action report
Annex E: Civil Disturbance Plan
The civil disturbance plan must be formulated by the installation commander or facility director
based on local threats. For example, commanders of chemical facilities should anticipate the
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need to develop crowd control procedures to handle anti-chemical demonstrations.
Annex F: Resource Plan
The resource plan must include the minimum essential physical security needs for the
installation or activity.
Annex G: Communication Plan
The communication plan is required to establish communications with other federal agencies
and local law enforcement agencies to share information about possible threats. The
communication plan should address all communication needs for Annexes B through F.
Annex H: Designated Restricted/Controlled Areas
This annex must include a listing of all designated restricted/controlled areas on the installation
or facility.
Annex I: Installation Priority Listing
This annex must include a list of all mission essential vulnerable areas (MEVAs) on the
installation or facility.
Annex J: Contingency Plan
Contingency plans should include provisions for increasing the physical security measures and
procedures based on local commander’s assessment of situations of increased threat such as
natural disasters or emergencies, or threats from terrorist or criminal elements. Such
contingencies may include hostage negotiations, protective services, and special reaction
teams. These provisions should be designed for early detection of an attempted intrusion, theft,
or interruption of normal security conditions.
Annex K: Work-stoppage Plan
A civilian work-stoppage plan may be required for controlling disruptions on an installation or
f. Tactical Environment Considerations
In a tactical environment, the development of a Physical Security Plan is based
on METT-TC, which stands for mission, enemy, terrain and weather, troops, time
available, and civilian considerations.
The mission is usually the emplacement of defensive security rings to
protect the populace against enemies.
For enemy, the commander must identify enemy units operating in the
area and try to determine the type and size of the unit; the enemy’s
tactics, weapons, and equipment, and probable collaborators; and the
inhabitants’ attitudes toward the enemies.
For terrain and weather, the commander can use observation and fields
of fire, cover and concealment, obstacles, key terrain, and avenues of
approach (OCOKA) to plan for the physical security defensive sites.
For troops, the commander must consider available equipment, reaction
time, reaction forces, communication assets, organization of troops, and
medical support, if available.
The time available factor is critical since the troops must be ready to
respond to an enemy attack with little or no warning.
For civilian considerations, the commander must consider nonbelligerent
third parties such as dislocated civilians, personnel of international
businesses and relief organizations, and the media.
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The information in the box below will not be on the test, but it may provide you with useful background and
The following questions must be evaluated:
What is the mission?
What specific and implied tasks are there to accomplish the mission?
What is the commander’s intent?
The following questions must be evaluated:
What is known about the enemy?
Where is the enemy and how strong is he?
What weapons does the enemy have?
What is the enemy doing?
What can the enemy do in response to friendly actions?
How can we exploit the enemy’s weaknesses?
Terrain and weather
The following questions must be evaluated:
How will the terrain and weather affect the operation?
How fast can movement be accomplished, and how much space do the terrain and unit
formations take up?
Will the weather affect the terrain or personnel?
Has the weather already affected the terrain?
The following questions must be evaluated:
What are the present conditions of vehicles and personnel?
What is the status of ammunition and supplies?
Who is best able to do a specific task?
How much sleep have the soldiers had in the past 24 hours?
What other assets are available to support the mission?
How many teams/squads are available?
What supplies and equipment are needed?
What fire support is available and how can it be obtained?
Time available
The following questions must be evaluated:
How much time is available to conduct planning?
How long will it take to reach the objective?
How long will it take to prepare the position?
How much time do subordinates need?
How long will it take the enemy to reposition forces?
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Civilian considerations
Every commander must prepare a site overlay that shows, at a minimum, the following:
The attitude of the host nation toward U.S. forces
The population density near the objective
The condition of local civilians
The possible effect of refugees and dislocated civilians on the mission
O Observation and fields of fire
C Cover and concealment
O Obstacles
K Key terrain
A Avenues of approach
Other Planning Documents
1. Standard Operating Procedures (SOP)
Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs) provide supplemental guidance for
implementing specific components of your physical security program. SOPs are typically
established to address operational and administrative physical security procedures to be
used during both normal situations, such as key control procedures, access control, and
badging procedures, and emergency situations, such as fire, explosions, civil
disturbances, major accidents, hostage situations, sabotage, bomb threats, terrorist
attacks, and natural disasters. SOPs are specific to an installation or activity; therefore,
the quantity and types of SOPs, as well as the contents of each, will vary widely. As a
physical security professional, you are responsible for recommending the physical
security measures to be included in the Standard Operating Procedures.
The information in the box below will not be on the test, but it may provide you with useful background and
Examples of normal situations:
Key control procedures
Access control / badging procedures
Examples of emergency situations:
Civil disturbances
Major accidents
Hostage situations
Bomb threats
Terrorist attacks
Natural disasters
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2. Post Orders
Post Orders typically establish duties, roles, and responsibilities at individual
assignments, checkpoints, gates, and guard posts. Post Orders allow for uniformity and
ensure that everyone involved knows the procedures. Just as with SOPs, Post Orders
assist in maintaining order during both normal and emergency situations. At some
installations, Post Orders will even be used in a similar manner as or considered one in
the same with SOPs. Post Orders may vary among the different components. As a
physical security professional, you are responsible for recommending the physical
security measures to be included in the Post Orders.
3. Continuity of Operations Plan
In accordance with Executive Order 12656, Assignment of Emergency Preparedness
Responsibilities, DoD Directive 3020.26, Defense Continuity Program, directs the DoD to
have a comprehensive and effective Defense Continuity Program (DCP) to ensure DoD
Component Mission Essential Functions (MEFs) continue under all circumstances
across the spectrum of threats.
Heads of the DoD Components develop a Continuity of Operations Plan (COOP) in
which they define emergency delegations of authority and orders of succession for key
positions; identify and provide for alert notification, movement, and training of continuity
staffs; and address information technology and communications support to continuity
operations. A COOP typically includes provisions for the complete or partial loss of
operational facilities; utilities such as electricity, water, and sewer; telephones and other
communications systems; computer systems or computerized components of other
systems; and transportation systems.
A COOP is an integral part of the Continuity of Government (COG) and the Enduring
Constitutional Government (ECG) under the DCP. It is also a good business practice as
it is part of the DoD’s functional mission to be a responsible and reliable public
institution. As a physical security professional, you have a vital role in identifying security
requirements to be considered in the development of this plan including the physical
security measures required at alternate work locations used in the event of an
The information in the box below will not be on the test, but it may provide you with useful background and
Continuity of government (COG) is a coordinated effort within each branch of the government
ensuring the capability to continue branch-minimum essential responsibilities in a catastrophic
crisis. COG is dependent on effective continuity of operations plans and capabilities.
Continuity of Operations (COOP) is an internal effort within individual DoD Components to
ensure uninterrupted, essential DoD Component functions across a wide range of potential
emergencies, including localized acts of nature, accidents, and technological and/or attack-
related emergencies.
The Defense Continuity Program (DCP) coordinates all defense continuity-related activities and
requirements, including Continuity of Operations (COO), Continuity of Government (COO), and
Enduring Constitutional Government (ECG).
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Enduring Constitutional Government (ECG) is a cooperative effort among the executive,
legislative, and judicial branches of the federal government, coordinated by the president, to
preserve the capability to execute constitutional responsibilities in a catastrophic crisis. ECG is
the overarching goal; its objective is the preservation of the constitutional framework under
which the nation is governed. ECG is dependent on effective COOP and COG capabilities.
Mission Essential Functions (MEFs) are the specified or implied tasks required to be performed
by, or derived from, statute, Executive Order, or other appropriate guidance, and those
organizational activities that must be performed under all circumstances to achieve DoD
Component missions or responsibilities in a continuity threat or event. Failure to perform or
sustain these functions would significantly affect the Department of Defense’s ability to provide
vital services or exercise authority, direction, and control.
4. Memorandums of Agreement and Understanding
In certain situations, there exists the need for military installations and facilities to enter
into formal agreements with outside activities or agencies to assist in implementing a
physical security program. These formal agreements can take the form of a
Memorandum of Agreement (MOA) or a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU).
Examples of situations that may require an MOA or MOU include provisions for security
assistance between DoD activities, either within the same military department or
between military departments, or from local law enforcement agencies, and mutual aid
from local fire and medical services.
Development of MOAs and MOUs may require coordination at various levels within an
activity or organization, but should always include some form of legal review prior to
implementation. As a physical security professional, you are responsible for providing
guidance and concurrence on the physical security measures to be included in the
MOUs and MOAs.
The information in the box below will not be on the test, but it may provide you with useful background and
A Memorandum of Agreement (MOA) or cooperative agreement is a document written between
parties to work together on a mutually agreed upon project or to achieve a shared objective. An
MOA is a written understanding of the agreement, which may be legally binding but may just be
a statement of cooperation between the parties. Sometimes an MOA is interchangeable with a
Memorandum of Understanding (MOU). Check with your Component for specific guidance.
A Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) is a document between two or more parties,
describing an agreement between those parties. It expresses a shared intention to pursue a
common line of action. Unlike a contract, an MOU does not legally obligate the parties, but it is
more formal than a gentleman’s agreement. Sometimes an MOU is interchangeable with a
Memorandum of Agreement (MOA). Check with your Component for specific guidance.
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Review Activity 1
Match the physical security planning document to the description that best defines that
document’s contents; then check your answers in the Answer Key at the end of this
Student Guide.
Word Bank
C. Post Orders
1. Operational/administrative procedures for normal and emergency situations
2. Comprehensive protective measures for an installation, facility, or activity
3. Roles and responsibilities for individual work areas such as checkpoints and
guard gates
4. Provisions for back-up facilities, utilities, communication and computer systems,
and transportation in the event of a major emergency
5. Provisions for one entity, such as a DoD activity or local law enforcement, fire,
and medical services, to provide security assistance to another entity
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Answer Key
Review Activity 1
Match the physical security planning document to the description that best defines that
document’s contents.
Word Bank
C. Post Orders
1. Operational/administrative procedures for normal and emergency situations.
Answer D, SOP.
2. Comprehensive protective measures for an installation, facility, or activity.
Answer E, PSP.
3. Roles and responsibilities for individual work areas such as checkpoints and
guard gates. Answer C, Post Orders.
4. Provisions for back-up facilities, utilities, communication and computer systems,
and transportation in the event of a major emergency. Answer A, COOP.
5. Provisions for one entity, such as a DoD activity or local law enforcement, fire,
and medical services, to provide security assistance to another entity. Answer B,
Student Guide
Course: Physical Security Planning and Implementation
Lesson 5: DoD Antiterrorism (AT) Program
Lesson Introduction
1. Objective
In order to combat terrorist activity and protect DoD assets, the DoD has a formal
antiterrorism program. This lesson will familiarize you with the tools the DoD uses to
protect our nation’s assets against terrorist attacks. These tools include DoD Terrorist
Threat Levels and Force Protection Conditions (FPCONs).
Lesson objectives:
Identify what Terrorist Threat Levels are and who establishes them
Identify what Force Protection Conditions are and who establishes them
AT Program
1. Purpose of the AT Program
Our nation has always been aware of potential terrorist threats. However, incidents such
as the attack on the Murrah Federal Building in Oklahoma City in April 1995 and the
September 11, 2001 terrorist attacks have proven to us there is a need for increased
awareness of the probability of a terrorist attack becoming a reality.
As outlined in DoD Instruction 2000.12, the DoD Antiterrorism (AT) Program is a
collective, proactive effort focused on the prevention and detection of terrorist attacks
against DoD personnel, their families, facilities, installations, and the infrastructure that is
critical to DoD mission accomplishment. The AT Program also provides for the
preparation to defend against and planning for the response to the consequences of
terrorist incidents. To meet this goal, all DoD employees are required to take annually
the Antiterrorism (AT) Level I Training, which is offered by Joint Knowledge Online
Additional guidance on antiterrorism is provided in the DoD Antiterrorism Officer Guide,
which is For Official Use Only (FOUO) and may not be accessed through this course.
2. AT Tools
Within the DoD Antiterrorism Program, there are AT tools the DoD uses to safeguard
DoD assets. Two of these tools are the DoD Terrorist Threat Levels and Force
Protection Conditions (FPCONs). Terrorist Threat Levels are analytical assessments of
terrorist activity. They are a set of standard terms used to quantify the level of terrorism
threat on a country-by-country basis. FPCONs are graduated categories of measures or
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DoD Antiterrorism Program Student Guide
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actions commanders take to protect personnel and assets from attack. The measures
add progressive levels of countermeasures in response to a terrorist threat to U.S.
military facilities and personnel.
Threat level assessments, which are based on Terrorist Threat Levels, are provided to
senior leaders to assist them in determining the appropriate local FPCONs. However,
there is no one for one correlation between Terrorist Threat Levels and FPCONs. For
example, a Terrorist Threat Level of Low does not necessarily signify that the local
FPCON would be Normal. The FPCON could be ALPHA when the Terrorist Threat Level
is Low.
Terrorist Threat Levels
1. Terrorist Threat Levels in the DoD
Terrorist threat levels are based on a continuous intelligence analysis of a minimum of
four elements pertaining to terrorist groups: operational capability, intentions, activity,
and operational environment. As defined in DoD Instruction 2000.12, DoD Antiterrorism
Program, there are four Terrorist Threat Levels: Low, Moderate, Significant, and High.
Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA) or the Combatant Commanders (COCOMs) use
Defense Terrorism Warning Reports to convey these Terrorist Threat Levels. The DIA
sets the DoD Terrorist Threat Level identifying potential risk to DoD interests in a
particular country, regardless of whether U.S. personnel are present in the country.
COCOMs with geographic responsibilities may also set Terrorist Threat Levels for
specific personnel, family members, units, and installations in countries within their area
of responsibility, using the definitions established by the DIA.
2. Threat Levels Defined
DoD Terrorist Threat Levels should not be confused with the Threat Conditions
associated with the National Homeland Security Advisory System. DoD Terrorist Threat
Levels are identified as Low, Moderate, Significant, and High.
Low signifies no terrorist group is detected or there is a low risk of terrorist attack.
Moderate signifies terrorists are present, but there are no indications of terrorist
activity and the Operating Environment favors the host nation or the U.S.
Significant means either that terrorists are present and attacking personnel is
their preferred method of operation, or that a terrorist group uses large casualty-
producing attacks as their preferred method, but has limited operational activity.
The Operating Environment is neutral.
High signifies terrorists are operationally active and use large casualty-producing
attacks as their preferred method of operation. There is a substantial DoD
presence, and the Operating Environment favors the terrorist.
As a security professional, it is important to understand the relationship between
Terrorist Threat Levels and physical security.
Physical Security Planning and Implementation
DoD Antiterrorism Program Student Guide
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Force Protection Conditions
1. FPCON System
In DoD Instruction 2000.16, DoD Antiterrorism Standards, Force Protection is defined as
actions taken to prevent or mitigate hostile actions against DoD assetsincluding DoD
personnel, family members, resources, facilities, and critical information. Force
Protection is implemented by establishing Force Protection Conditions (FPCONs).
FPCONs add progressive levels of countermeasures based on the threat. FPCONs are
and FPCON DELTA. Based on a variety of factors such as terrorist threat analyses and
DoD Terrorist Threat Levels, an FPCON is a security posture issued by a Combatant
Commander (COCOM). Geographic COCOMs ensure FPCONs are uniformly
implemented and disseminated within their area of responsibility. Installation
commanders and facility directors, in turn, determine what assets require protection and
what FPCON needs to be applied.
The FPCON system allows individuals in authority to be flexible and adaptable in
developing and implementing antiterrorism measures that are more stringent than those
mandated by higher authorities whenever FPCONs are invoked. Authorities directing
implementation may augment their FPCON by adding measures from higher FPCON
standards as they deem necessary. Specific physical security measures are outlined for
each FPCON in DoDI 2000.16.
2. FPCONs Defined
As you just learned, there are five FPCONs for DoD. They are NORMAL, ALPHA,
FPCON NORMAL applies when a general global threat of possible terrorist
activity exists and warrants a routine security posture. At a minimum, access
control will be conducted at all DoD installations and facilities.
FPCON ALPHA applies when there is an increased general threat of possible
terrorist activity against personnel or facilities, the nature and extent of which are
unpredictable. ALPHA measures must be capable of being maintained
FPCON BRAVO applies when an increased or more predictable threat of terrorist
activity exists. Sustaining BRAVO measures for a prolonged period of time may
affect operational capability and military-civilian relationships with local
FPCON CHARLIE applies when an incident occurs or intelligence is received
indicating some form of terrorist action or targeting against personnel or facilities
is likely. Prolonged implementation of CHARLIE measures may create hardship
and affect the activities of the unit and its personnel.
FPCON DELTA applies in the immediate area where a terrorist attack has
occurred or when intelligence has been received that terrorist action against a
specific location or person is imminent. This FPCON is usually declared as a
localized condition. FPCON DELTA measures are not intended to be sustained
for an extended duration.
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Review Activity 1
Which of the following statements are true about Terrorist Threat Levels and Force
Protection Conditions (FPCONs)? Select true or false for each statement. Then check
your answers in the Answer Key at the end of this Student Guide.
Statement True False
Combatant Commanders issue both DoD Terrorist Threat Levels and
Both the DIA and COCOMs issue FPCONs.
Installation commanders and facility directors issue DoD Terrorist Threat
Terrorist Threat Levels are based on information about terrorist groups such as
their operational capability and their intentions.
FPCONs are based on various factors, such as terrorist threat analyses and
DoD Terrorist Threat Levels.
Review Activity 2
Match the term to the description that best defines that term. Then check your answers
in the Answer Key at the end of this Student Guide.
Word Bank
A. Terrorist Threat Levels
B. Force Protection
C. DoD AT Program
D. Force Protection Conditions
1. System that standardizes the identification and recommended preventive actions
and responses to terrorist threats against U.S. assets
2. The prevention and detection of terrorist attacks against DoD assets as well as
the preparation to defend against and planning for the response to the
consequences of terrorist incidents
3. Intelligence threat assessments of the level of terrorist threat faced by U.S.
personnel and interests
4. Actions taken to prevent or mitigate hostile actions against DoD assets such as
DoD personnel, family members, resources, facilities, and critical information
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DoD Antiterrorism Program Student Guide
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Answer Key
Review Activity 1
Which of the following statements are true about Terrorist Threat Levels and Force
Protection Conditions (FPCONs)?
Statement True False
Combatant Commanders issue both DoD Terrorist Threat Levels and
Both the DIA and COCOMs issue FPCONs.
Installation commanders and facility directors issue DoD Terrorist Threat
Terrorist Threat Levels are based on information about terrorist groups such as
their operational capability and their intentions.
FPCONs are based on various factors, such as terrorist threat analyses and
DoD Terrorist Threat Levels.
Review Activity 2
Match the term to the description that best defines that term.
Word Bank
A. Terrorist Threat Levels
B. Force Protection
C. DoD AT Program
D. Force Protection Conditions
1. System that standardizes the identification and recommended preventive actions
and responses to terrorist threats against U.S. assets. Answer D, Force
Protection Conditions.
2. The prevention and detection of terrorist attacks against DoD assets as well as
the preparation to defend against and planning for the response to the
consequences of terrorist incidents. Answer C, DoD AT Program.
3. Intelligence threat assessments of the level of terrorist threat faced by U.S.
personnel and interests. Answer A, Terrorist Threat Levels.
4. Actions taken to prevent or mitigate hostile actions against DoD assets such as
DoD personnel, family members, resources, facilities, and critical information.
Answer B, Force Protection.
Student Guide
Course: Physical Security Planning and Implementation
Lesson 6: Oversight
Lesson Introduction
1. Objective
Once physical security has been planned for and implemented in an installation or
facility, it can only remain effective through oversight of the program. This lesson will
familiarize you with the purpose of oversight of security programs and the tools that are
used to maintain oversight.
Lesson objective:
Identify the purpose of oversight and the oversight tools
Oversight Overview
1. Purpose of Oversight
Outlined in DoD 5200.08-R, Physical Security Program, DoD Instruction (DoDI) 5200.08,
Security of DoD Installations and Resources and the DoD Physical Security Review
Board (PSRB), the Unified Facilities Criteria, and primarily in individual DoD Component
guidance, you will find information about oversight of physical security programs. The
purpose of oversight is to ensure that the security program complies with DoD and other
policies, that the program is cost-effective, and that the program is effective in protecting
DoD assets against threats such as unauthorized disclosure, misuse, damage, and loss.
Oversight of all physical security countermeasures such as fencing and barriers, lighting,
and other building protective measures must be conducted.
2. Oversight Tools
As you just learned, oversight helps to ensure that DoD physical security programs are
properly protecting our assets and are cost-effective. As a physical security professional,
you will use several oversight tools to examine how implemented physical security
measures are working. These tools include day-to-day observations, surveys, staff assist
visits, inspections, and analysis of reports.
Oversight Tools
1. Day-to-Day Observations
The most frequently used oversight tool is day-to-day observations. When you see a
security deficiency, such as a security light that has burned out, corrective action must
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Oversight Student Guide
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be taken immediately. Day-to-day observations are an informal method of ensuring that
physical security procedures are followed.
2. Surveys
Surveys are a useful way to determine the physical security posture of an installation or
facility and to help identify whether an installation or facility has the correct procedures in
place to accomplish the mission. Surveys may identify potential vulnerabilities and
threats, provide data to prioritize use of physical security resources, provide justification
for additional funding, equipment, or manpower, reveal security systems in excess of
those required to support the mission, and promote cost effective security, which
ensures good stewardship of government resources. Surveys can be informal, which
means they are self-initiated within an area, or they can be formal, which means they are
directed by installation commanders, facility directors, or higher headquarters.
3. Staff Assist Visits
Staff assist visits (SAVs), also referred to as assist visits or visits, can be extremely
useful in determining whether areas of security meet required standards. These visits
are conducted to validate the baseline security posture and provide advice on how to
meet requirements. They are frequently used when personnel first assume security
responsibilities, or as a prelude to the formal inspection process. They are conducted
either by peers or by senior agency personnel in the chain-of-command. Assist visits can
be broad and of indeterminate scope. Each situation is different and specific to the
needs of the individual activity or organization.
4. Inspections
Inspections evaluate and assess the effectiveness and efficiency of the security
program. The two types of inspections are management, or self-inspections, and
compliance inspections.
a. Management/self-inspections
Management or self-inspections are internal reviews conducted by members of
the organization, usually with the aid of a checklist. Some organizations may
require self-inspections at regular intervals, such as mid-way through the formal
inspection cycle. These inspections serve to aid internal control, prepare for
compliance inspections, and ensure that physical security measures are
implemented in a cost-effective manner.
b. Compliance inspections
Compliance inspections are formal reviews that evaluate and assess the
effectiveness and efficiency of the security program. They are usually conducted
by senior officials in the chain-of-command.
Compliance inspections serve a variety of purposes. They identify existing or
potential program weaknesses, verify compliance with policies and regulations,
promote cost-effective security programs, serve as opportunities for security
Physical Security Planning and Implementation
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education for personnel, promote quality performance of security functions, and
establish or enhance good working relationships between security personnel and
the various agencies and activities.
The results of a compliance inspection are formally documented with
observations, findings, and recommendations. With the inspector’s concurrence,
discrepancies may be resolved by on-the-spot corrective actions. Inspection
reports require timely response and follow-up to correct any deficiencies noted.
Inspection results may support requests for increased manpower or other
resources necessary to accomplish the security mission.
5. Reports
Incident reports are issued any time a deficiency in a physical security procedure is
discovered. These deficiencies may be discovered during informal day-to-day
observations or during more formal oversight. Inspection reports are written as a result
of an inspection. They contain the findings of the inspection as well as the corrective
actions that must be taken.
Conducting Inspections
1. Inspector’s Role
Traditionally, inspectors have a reputation of making people nervous and hovering until
they find something wrong, but inspectors are really there to help. Their goal is to
ensure that DoD resources are protected from threats. To meet this goal, they identify
existing or potential weaknesses or security violations and they teach, help, and advise
on correct policy and procedures. As a physical security professional, you may at some
point be responsible for performing a physical security inspection. Let’s take a look at
how to conduct an inspection.
2. Pre-Inspection
The most important responsibility an inspector has in preparing for an inspection is to
understand the organization, its mission, and its key personnel. The inspector should
read any local security directives, the facility’s Physical Security Plan, and its Standard
Operating Procedures (SOPs), which may implement more stringent policy than higher-
level guidance documents. To identify trends and to see what needs to be reviewed for
corrections, the inspector should review previous inspection reports. The inspector
should also review waivers and exceptions, which give the facility permission to deviate
from policy. To manage time and stay focused, the inspector should prepare a plan or
checklist and know the scope of the inspection. Finally, the inspector must decide if the
inspection should be announced or unannounced. Since one of the goals of an inspector
is to create good working relationships, it is usually better to announce the inspection.
3. Beginning the Inspection
When the inspector arrives for the inspection, it is a good idea to meet with the security
manager to understand his or her knowledge and perception of the security program and
its issues, demands, and needs. This meeting might provide the inspector with
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information about areas of focus about which the inspector may not have been aware.
The inspector should also conduct an entrance interview with senior management to
learn their perspective on their security program and whether they have interest in
meeting after the inspection to discuss the inspector’s findings. Their answers can
indicate to the inspector their level of knowledge and interest in their security program.
4. During the Inspection
During the inspection, the inspector must remember to manage his or her time by using
a checklist or plan to follow. The inspector will learn a lot from talking to people who work
in the area being inspected. Talking with people will help the inspector to understand
what they know and don’t know. The inspector should examine and test the products the
security manager has in place such as fencing, security lighting, intrusion detection
systems, and so on. The inspector should take good notes because these notes will be
used to write the inspection report. The inspector should also validate observations as
they are made, and look for reasons and causes for security weaknesses or violations.
This is a great opportunity for inspectors to teach about policy and changes to policy, as
well as advise personnel on new ways to do things, and assist them in getting needed
answers and resources.
5. Post-Inspection
After the inspection has been completed, the inspector should brief the security officer or
manager on the findings from the inspection and then share findings with senior
management, if they requested a meeting about the results. The inspector should not tell
senior management anything that was not first told to the security manager. The
inspector should include positive observations and not just the shortcomings that were
discovered in the inspection. Finally, the inspector should deliver on promises made to
the people who were interviewed during the inspection. These promises might include
providing follow-up training or phone calls, or providing forms or other resources.
6. Preparing the Inspection Report
When preparing the inspection report, the inspector should think about the purpose of
the inspection and whether or not the objectives were met. The report should focus on
the objectives and scope that were initially laid out in the inspection plan. The inspector
should differentiate between fact and opinion by ensuring that what was seen as a
deficiency was truly a policy violation and not just the inspector’s opinion of what should
be. As with the outgoing meetings with the security manager and senior management,
positive observations should be included in the inspection report to support quality
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Oversight Student Guide
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Review Activity 1
Match the oversight tool to the description that best defines that tool. Then check your
answers in the Answer Key at the end of this Student Guide.
Word Bank
A. Surveys
B. Staff assist visits
C. Compliance inspections
D. Day-to-day observations
E. Management/self-inspections
1. Internal reviews conducted by members of the organization to aid internal control
and ensure cost-effective security program
2. Formal reviews conducted by senior officials in the chain-of-command
3. Validate baseline security posture when personnel assume security
responsibilities or as a prelude to a formal inspection
4. Can be self-initiated or directed by higher authorities to determine the physical
security posture of an installation or facility
5. Most common and informal oversight tool; immediate action taken to correct
Physical Security Planning and Implementation
Oversight Student Guide
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Answer Key
Review Activity 1
Match the oversight tool to the description that best defines that tool.
Word Bank
A. Surveys
B. Staff assist visits
C. Compliance inspections
D. Day-to-day observations
E. Management/self-inspections
1. Internal reviews conducted by members of the organization to aid internal control
and ensure cost-effective security program. Answer E, Management/self-
2. Formal reviews conducted by senior officials in the chain-of-command. Answer
C, Compliance inspections.
3. Validate baseline security posture when personnel assume security
responsibilities or as a prelude to a formal inspection. Answer B, Staff assist
4. Can be self-initiated or directed by higher authorities to determine the physical
security posture of an installation or facility. Answer A, Surveys.
5. Most common and informal oversight tool; immediate action taken to correct
deficiencies. Answer D, Day-to-day observations.
Student Guide
Course: Physical Security Planning and Implementation
Lesson 7: Course Conclusion
Course Summary
Planning for the physical security of Department of Defense (DoD) installations and
resources is imperative for our national security. You learned about the various
components of physical security planning and implementation. These components
include physical security roles; the risk management model; physical security planning
documents; the DoD Antiterrorism Program, which includes Terrorist Threat Levels and
Force Protection Conditions (FPCONs); and the oversight of the physical security
Lesson Review
Here is a list of the lessons in the course:
Course Introduction
What Is Physical Security Planning and Implementation?
Facility Design
Physical Security Planning Documents
DoD Antiterrorism Program
Course Conclusion
Course Objectives
You should now be able to:
Identify the components of physical security planning and implementation
Identify the roles in physical security
Identify the components of the risk management model
Identify what Terrorist Threat Levels are and who establishes them
Identify what Force Protection Conditions are and who establishes them
Identify physical security protective measures that should be incorporated into
new and existing facility design
Identify physical security planning documents and their purposes, including a
facility’s Physical Security Plan
Identify the purpose of oversight and the oversight tools
Congratulations. You have completed the Physical Security Planning and
Implementation course. To receive credit for this course, you must take the Physical
Physical Security Planning and Implementation
Course Conclusion Student Guide
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Security Planning and Implementation examination. Please use the STEPP system from
the Center for Development of Security Excellence to register for the on-line exam.