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According to the AUTOSAR website, “The AUTOSAR partnership is an alliance of
OEM manufacturers, Tier 1 automotive suppliers, semiconductor manufacturers,
software suppliers, tool suppliers and others. Considering the different automotive E/E
architectures in the current and future markets, the partnership established a de-facto
open industry standard for an automotive software architecture. It will serve as a
basic infrastructure for the management of functions within both future applications
and standard software modules.” The AUTOSAR standards are used in safety-critical
industries, such as automotive, with emerging applications in highly automated driving
and new connected automotive software systems.
(version 2021.9.0 and later) supports the AUTOSAR Adaptive Platform 19.03
by providing checkers for statically verifiable rules of this standard.
Table 1
Category Supported Unsupported All
Required 334 29 363 92%
Advisory 29 5 34 85%
All 363 34 397 91%
Table 2
Automation type Supported Unsupported All
Automated 327 2 329 99%
Partially automated 22 0 22 100%
Non-automated 14 32 46 30%
All 363 34 397 91%
Automation type definitions
Automated: These are rules that are automatically enforceable by means of static
Partially automated: These are the rules that can be supported by static code analysis,
e.g. by heuristic or by covering some error scenarios, as a support for a manual code
Non-automated: These are the rules where the static analysis cannot provide any
reasonable support by a static code analysis and they require other means, e.g. manual
code review or other tools.
Ensure the safety,
reliability, and security
of software written in
Coverity Support for
AUTOSAR Coding Standards
The AUTOSAR R19-03 standard
provides guidelines for the use of
the C++14 language in critical and
safety-related systems. Tables 1 and
2 show Coverity coverage of these
rules (both required and advisory).
Not all rules are supported, as some
are not statically verifiable.
Source: AUTOSAR AP Release 19-03,
Document No 839
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Rule Description Automation type Category Supported
A0-1-1 A project shall not contain instances of non-volatile variables being
given values that are not subsequently used.
Automated Required Yes
A0-1-2 The value returned by a function having a non-void return type that is
not an overloaded operator shall be used.
Automated Required Yes
A0-1-3 Every function defined in an anonymous namespace, or static
function with internal linkage, or private member function shall be
Automated Required Yes
A0-1-4 There shall be no unused named parameters in non-virtual functions. Automated Required Yes
A0-1-5 There shall be no unused named parameters in the set of
parameters for a virtual function and all the functions that override it.
Automated Required Yes
A0-1-6 There should be no unused type declarations. Automated Advisory Yes
A0-4-1 Floating-point implementation shall comply with IEEE 754 standard. Non-automated Required No
A0-4-2 Type long double shall not be used. Automated Required Yes
A0-4-3 The implementations in the chosen compiler shall strictly comply
with the C++14 Language Standard.
Automated Required No
A0-4-4 Range, domain and pole errors shall be checked when using math
Partially automated Required Yes
A1-1-1 All code shall conform to ISO/IEC 14882:2014 - Programming
Language C++ and shall not use deprecated features.
Automated Required Yes
A1-1-2 A warning level of the compilation process shall be set in compliance
with project policies.
Non-automated Required No
A1-1-3 An optimization option that disregards strict standard compliance
shall not be turned on in the chosen compiler.
Non-automated Required No
A1-2-1 When using a compiler toolchain (including preprocessor, compiler
itself, linker, C++ standard libraries) in safety-related software, the
tool confidence level (TCL) shall be determined. In case of TCL2 or
TCL3, the compiler shall undergo a “Qualification of a software tool”,
as per ISO 26262- [6].
Non-automated Required No
A1-4-1 Code metrics and their valid boundaries shall be defined and code
shall comply with defined boundaries of code metrics.
Non-automated Required No
A1-4-3 All code should compile free of compiler warnings. Automated Advisory No
A2-3-1 Only those characters specified in the C++ Language Standard basic
source character set shall be used in the source code.
Automated Required Yes
A2-5-1 Trigraphs shall not be used. Automated Required Yes
A2-5-2 Digraphs shall not be used. Automated Required Yes
A2-7-1 The character \ shall not occur as a last character of a C++
Automated Required Yes
A2-7-2 Sections of code shall not be “commented out”. Non-automated Required Yes
A2-7-3 All declarations of “user-defined” types, static and non-static
data members, functions and methods shall be preceded by
Automated Required Yes
A2-7-5 Comments shall not document any actions or sources (e.g. tables,
figures, paragraphs, etc.) that are outside of the file.
Non-automated Required No
A2-8-1 A header file name should reflect the logical entity for which it
provides declarations.
Non-automated Required No
A2-8-2 An implementation file name should reflect the logical entity for
which it provides definitions.
Non-automated Advisory No
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Rule Description Automation type Category Supported
A2-10-1 An identifier declared in an inner scope shall not hide an identifier
declared in an outer scope.
Automated Required Yes
A2-10-4 The identifier name of a non-member object with static storage
duration or static function shall not be reused within a namespace.
Automated Required Yes
A2-10-5 An identifier name of a function with static storage duration or a non-
member object with external or internal linkage should not be reused.
Automated Advisory Yes
A2-10-6 A class or enumeration name shall not be hidden by a variable,
function or enumerator declaration in the same scope.
Automated Required Yes
A2-11-1 Volatile keyword shall not be used. Automated Required Yes
A2-13-1 Only those escape sequences that are defined in ISO/IEC
14882:2014 shall be used.
Automated Required Yes
A2-13-2 String literals with different encoding prefixes shall not be
Automated Required Yes
A2-13-3 Type wchar_t shall not be used. Automated Required Yes
A2-13-4 String literals shall not be assigned to non-constant pointers. Automated Required Yes
A2-13-5 Hexadecimal constants should be upper case. Automated Advisory Yes
A2-13-6 Universal character names shall be used only inside character or
string literals.
Automated Required Yes
A3-1-1 It shall be possible to include any header file in multiple translation
units without violating the One Definition Rule.
Automated Required Yes
A3-1-2 Header files, that are defined locally in the project, shall have a file
name extension of one of: “.h”, “.hpp” or “.hxx”.
Automated Required Yes
A3-1-3 Implementation files, that are defined locally in the project, should
have a file name extension of “.cpp”.
Automated Advisory Yes
A3-1-4 When an array with external linkage is declared, its size shall be
stated explicitly.
Automated Required Yes
A3-1-5 A function definition shall only be placed in a class definition if (1)
the function is intended to be inlined (2) it is a member function
template (3) it is a member function of a class template.
Partially automated Required Yes
A3-1-6 Trivial accessor and mutator functions should be inlined. Automated Advisory Yes
A3-3-1 Objects or functions with external linkage (including members of
named namespaces) shall be declared in a header file.
Automated Required Yes
A3-3-2 Static and thread-local objects shall be constant-initialized. Automated Required Yes
A3-8-1 An object shall not be accessed outside of its lifetime. Non-automated Required Yes
A3-9-1 Fixed width integer types from <cstdint>, indicating the size and
signedness, shall be used in place of the basic numerical types.
Automated Required Yes
A4-5-1 Expressions with type enum or enum class shall not be used
as operands to built-in and overloaded operators other than the
subscript operator [ ], the assignment operator =, the equality
operators == and !=, the unary & operator, and the relational
operators <, <=, >, >=.
Automated Required Yes
A4-7-1 An integer expression shall not lead to data loss. Automated Required Yes
A4-10-1 Only nullptr literal shall be used as the null-pointer-constant. Automated Required Yes
A5-0-1 The value of an expression shall be the same under any order of
evaluation that the standard permits.
Automated Required Yes
A5-0-2 The condition of an if-statement and the condition of an iteration
statement shall have type bool.
Automated Required Yes
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Rule Description Automation type Category Supported
A5-0-3 The declaration of objects shall contain no more than two levels of
pointer indirection.
Automated Required Yes
A5-0-4 Pointer arithmetic shall not be used with pointers to non-final
Automated Required Yes
A5-1-1 Literal values shall not be used apart from type initialization,
otherwise symbolic names shall be used instead.
Partially automated Required Yes
A5-1-2 Variables shall not be implicitly captured in a lambda expression. Automated Required Yes
A5-1-3 Parameter list (possibly empty) shall be included in every lambda
Automated Required Yes
A5-1-4 A lambda expression object shall not outlive any of its reference-
captured objects.
Automated Required Yes
A5-1-6 Return type of a non-void return type lambda expression should be
explicitly specified.
Automated Advisory Yes
A5-1-7 A lambda shall not be an operand to decltype or typeid. Automated Required Yes
A5-1-8 Lambda expressions should not be defined inside another lambda
Automated Advisory Yes
A5-1-9 Identical unnamed lambda expressions shall be replaced with a
named function or a named lambda expression.
Automated Advisory Yes
A5-2-1 Dynamic_cast should not be used. Automated Advisory Yes
A5-2-2 Traditional C-style casts shall not be used. Automated Required Yes
A5-2-3 A cast shall not remove any const or volatile qualification from the
type of a pointer or reference.
Automated Required Yes
A5-2-4 reinterpret_cast shall not be used. Automated Required Yes
A5-2-5 An array or container shall not be accessed beyond its range. Automated Required Yes
A5-2-6 The operands of a logical && or || shall be parenthesized if the
operands contain binary operators.
Automated Required Yes
A5-3-1 Evaluation of the operand to the typeid operator shall not contain
side effects.
Non-automated Required Yes
A5-3-2 Null pointers shall not be dereferenced. Partially automated Required Yes
A5-3-3 Pointers to incomplete class types shall not be deleted. Automated Required Yes
A5-5-1 A pointer to member shall not access non-existent class members. Automated Required Yes
A5-6-1 The right hand operand of the integer division or remainder operators
shall not be equal to zero.
Automated Required Yes
A5-10-1 A pointer to member virtual function shall only be tested for equality
with null-pointer-constant.
Automated Required Yes
A5-16-1 The ternary conditional operator shall not be used as a sub-
Automated Required Yes
A6-2-1 Move and copy assignment operators shall either move or
respectively copy base classes and data members of a class,
without any side effects.
Automated Required Yes
A6-2-2 Expression statements shall not be explicit calls to constructors of
temporary objects only.
Automated Required Yes
A6-4-1 A switch statement shall have at least two case-clauses, distinct
from the default label.
Automated Required Yes
A6-5-1 A for-loop that loops through all elements of the container and does
not use its loop-counter shall not be used.
Automated Required Yes
A6-5-2 A for loop shall contain a single loop-counter which shall not have
floating-point type.
Automated Required Yes
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Rule Description Automation type Category Supported
A6-5-3 Do statements should not be used. Automated Advisory Yes
A6-5-4 For-init-statement and expression should not perform actions other
than loop-counter initialization and modification.
Automated Advisory Yes
A6-6-1 The goto statement shall not be used. Automated Required Yes
A7-1-1 Constexpr or const specifiers shall be used for immutable data
Automated Required Yes
A7-1-2 The constexpr specifier shall be used for values that can be
determined at compile time.
Automated Required Yes
A7-1-3 CV-qualifiers shall be placed on the right hand side of the type that is
a typedef or a using name.
Automated Required Yes
A7-1-4 The register keyword shall not be used. Automated Required Yes
A7-1-5 The auto specifier shall not be used apart from following cases:
(1) to declare that a variable has the same type as return type of
a function call, (2) to declare that a variable has the same type as
initializer of non-fundamental type, (3) to declare parameters of a
generic lambda expression, (4) to declare a function template using
trailing return type syntax.
Automated Required Yes
A7-1-6 The typedef specifier shall not be used. Automated Required Yes
A7-1-7 Each expression statement and identifier declaration shall be placed
on a separate line.
Automated Required Yes
A7-1-8 A non-type specifier shall be placed before a type specifier in a
Automated Required Yes
A7-1-9 A class, structure, or enumeration shall not be declared in the
definition of its type.
Automated Required Yes
A7-2-1 An expression with enum underlying type shall only have values
corresponding to the enumerators of the enumeration.
Automated Required Yes
A7-2-2 Enumeration underlying base type shall be explicitly defined. Automated Required Yes
A7-2-3 Enumerations shall be declared as scoped enum classes. Automated Required Yes
A7-2-4 In an enumeration, either (1) none, (2) the first or (3) all enumerators
shall be initialized.
Automated Required Yes
A7-2-5 Enumerations should be used to represent sets of related named
Non-automated Advisory No
A7-3-1 All overloads of a function shall be visible from where it is called. Automated Required Yes
A7-4-1 The asm declaration shall not be used. Automated Required Yes
A7-5-1 A function shall not return a reference or a pointer to a parameter
that is passed by reference to const.
Automated Required Yes
A7-5-2 Functions shall not call themselves, either directly or indirectly. Automated Required Yes
A7-6-1 Functions declared with the [[noreturn]] attribute shall not return. Automated Required Yes
A8-2-1 When declaring function templates, the trailing return type syntax
shall be used if the return type depends on the type of parameters.
Automated Required Yes
A8-4-1 Functions shall not be defined using the ellipsis notation. Automated Required Yes
A8-4-2 All exit paths from a function with non-void return type shall have an
explicit return statement with an expression.
Automated Required Yes
A8-4-3 Common ways of passing parameters should be used. Non-automated Advisory No
A8-4-4 Multiple output values from a function should be returned as a struct
or tuple.
Automated Advisory Yes
A8-4-5 consume” parameters declared as X && shall always be moved from. Automated Required Yes
A8-4-6 “forward” parameters declared as T && shall always be forwarded. Automated Required Yes
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Rule Description Automation type Category Supported
A8-4-7 “in” parameters for “cheap to copy” types shall be passed by value. Automated Required Yes
A8-4-8 Output parameters shall not be used. Automated Required Yes
A8-4-9 “in-out” parameters declared as T & shall be modified. Automated Required Yes
A8-4-10 A parameter shall be passed by reference if it can’t be NULL. Automated Required Yes
A8-4-11 A smart pointer shall only be used as a parameter type if it expresses
lifetime semantics.
Automated Required Yes
A8-4-12 A std::unique_ptr shall be passed to a function as: (1) a copy to
express the function assumes ownership (2) an lvalue reference to
express that the function replaces the managed object.
Automated Required Yes
A8-4-13 A std::shared_ptr shall be passed to a function as: (1) a copy to
express the function shares ownership (2) an lvalue reference to
express that the function replaces the managed object (3) a const
lvalue reference to express that the function retains a reference
Automated Required Yes
A8-4-14 Interfaces shall be precisely and strongly typed. Non-automated Required No
A8-5-0 All memory shall be initialized before it is read. Automated Required Yes
A8-5-1 In an initialization list, the order of initialization shall be following: (1)
virtual base classes in depth and left to right order of the inheritance
graph, (2) direct base classes in left to right order of inheritance list,
(3) non-static data members in the order they were declared in the
class definition.
Automated Required Yes
A8-5-2 Braced-initialization {}, without equals sign, shall be used for variable
Automated Required Yes
A8-5-3 A variable of type auto shall not be initialized using {} or ={} braced-
Automated Required Yes
A8-5-4 If a class has a user-declared constructor that takes a parameter
of type std::initializer_list, then it shall be the only constructor apart
from special member function constructors.
Automated Advisory Yes
A9-3-1 Member functions shall not return non-const “raw” pointers or
references to private or protected data owned by the class.
Partially automated Required Yes
A9-5-1 Unions shall not be used. Automated Required Yes
A9-6-1 Data types used for interfacing with hardware or conforming to
communication protocols shall be trivial, standard-layout and only
contain members of types with defined sizes.
Partially automated Required Yes
A9-6-2 Bit-fields shall be used only when interfacing to hardware or
conforming to communication protocols.
Non-automated Required No
A10-0-1 Public inheritance shall be used to implement “is-a” relationship. Non-automated Required No
A10-0-2 Membership or non-public inheritance shall be used to implement
“has-a” relationship.
Non-automated Required No
A10-1-1 Class shall not be derived from more than one base class which is
not an interface class.
Automated Required Yes
A10-2-1 Non-virtual public or protected member functions shall not be
redefined in derived classes.
Automated Required Yes
A10-3-1 Virtual function declaration shall contain exactly one of the three
specifiers: (1) virtual, (2) override, (3) final.
Automated Required Yes
A10-3-2 Each overriding virtual function shall be declared with the override or
final specifier.
Automated Required Yes
A10-3-3 Virtual functions shall not be introduced in a final class. Automated Required Yes
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Rule Description Automation type Category Supported
A10-3-5 A user-defined assignment operator shall not be virtual. Automated Required Yes
A10-4-1 Hierarchies should be based on interface classes. Non-automated Advisory No
A11-0-1 A non-POD type should be defined as class. Automated Advisory Yes
A11-0-2 A type defined as struct shall: (1) provide only public data members,
(2) not provide any special member functions or methods, (3) not be
a base of another struct or class, (4) not inherit from another struct
or class.
Automated Required Yes
A11-3-1 Friend declarations shall not be used. Automated Required Yes
A12-0-1 If a class declares a copy or move operation, or a destructor, either
via “=default”, “=delete”, or via a user-provided declaration, then all
others of these five special member functions shall be declared as
Automated Required Yes
A12-0-2 Bitwise operations and operations that assume data representation
in memory shall not be performed on objects.
Partially automated Required Yes
A12-1-1 Constructors shall explicitly initialize all virtual base classes, all direct
non-virtual base classes and all non-static data members.
Automated Required Yes
A12-1-2 Both NSDMI and a non-static member initializer in a constructor
shall not be used in the same type.
Automated Required Yes
A12-1-3 If all user-defined constructors of a class initialize data members
with constant values that are the same across all constructors, then
data members shall be initialized using NSDMI instead.
Automated Required Yes
A12-1-4 All constructors that are callable with a single argument of
fundamental type shall be declared explicit.
Automated Required Yes
A12-1-5 Common class initialization for non-constant members shall be
done by a delegating constructor.
Partially automated Required Yes
A12-1-6 Derived classes that do not need further explicit initialization and
require all the constructors from the base class shall use inheriting
Automated Required Yes
A12-4-1 Destructor of a base class shall be public virtual, public override or
protected non-virtual.
Automated Required Yes
A12-4-2 If a public destructor of a class is non-virtual, then the class should
be declared final.
Automated Advisory Yes
A12-6-1 All class data members that are initialized by the constructor shall be
initialized using member initializers.
Automated Required Yes
A12-7-1 If the behavior of a user-defined special member function is identical
to implicitly defined special member function, then it shall be defined
“=default” or be left undefined.
Automated Required Yes
A12-8-1 Move and copy constructors shall move and respectively copy base
classes and data members of a class, without any side effects.
Automated Required Yes
A12-8-2 User-defined copy and move assignment operators should use user-
defined no-throw swap function.
Automated Advisory Yes
A12-8-3 Moved-from object shall not be read-accessed. Partially automated Required Yes
A12-8-4 Move constructor shall not initialize its class members and base
classes using copy semantics.
Automated Required Yes
A12-8-5 A copy assignment and a move assignment operators shall handle
Automated Required Yes
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Rule Description Automation type Category Supported
A12-8-6 Copy and move constructors and copy assignment and move
assignment operators shall be declared protected or defined
“=delete” in base class.
Automated Required Yes
A12-8-7 Assignment operators should be declared with the ref-qualifier &. Automated Advisory Yes
A13-1-2 User defined suffixes of the user defined literal operators shall start
with underscore followed by one or more letters.
Automated Required Yes
A13-1-3 User defined literals operators shall only perform conversion of
passed parameters.
Automated Required Yes
A13-2-1 An assignment operator shall return a reference to “this”. Automated Required Yes
A13-2-2 A binary arithmetic operator and a bitwise operator shall return a
Automated Required Yes
A13-2-3 A relational operator shall return a boolean value. Automated Required Yes
A13-3-1 A function that contains “forwarding reference” as its argument shall
not be overloaded.
Automated Required Yes
A13-5-1 If “operator[]” is to be overloaded with a non-const version, const
version shall also be implemented.
Automated Required Yes
A13-5-2 All user-defined conversion operators shall be defined explicit. Automated Required Yes
A13-5-3 User-defined conversion operators should not be used. Automated Advisory Yes
A13-5-4 If two opposite operators are defined, one shall be defined in terms
of the other.
Automated Required Yes
A13-5-5 Comparison operators shall be non-member functions with identical
parameter types and noexcept.
Automated Required Yes
A13-6-1 Digit sequences separators ‘ shall only be used as follows: (1) for
decimal, every 3 digits, (2) for hexadecimal, every 2 digits, (3) for
binary, every 4 digits.
Automated Required Yes
A14-1-1 A template should check if a specific template argument is suitable
for this template.
Non-automated Advisory Yes
A14-5-1 A template constructor shall not participate in overload resolution for
a single argument of the enclosing class type.
Automated Required Yes
A14-5-2 Class members that are not dependent on template class
parameters should be defined in a separate base class.
Partially automated Advisory Yes
A14-5-3 A non-member generic operator shall only be declared in a
namespace that does not contain class (struct) type, enum type or
union type declarations.
Automated Advisory Yes
A14-7-1 A type used as a template argument shall provide all members that
are used by the template.
Automated Required Yes
A14-7-2 Template specialization shall be declared in the same file (1) as
the primary template (2) as a user-defined type, for which the
specialization is declared.
Automated Required Yes
A14-8-2 Explicit specializations of function templates shall not be used. Automated Required Yes
A15-0-1 A function shall not exit with an exception if it is able to complete its
Non-automated Required No
A15-0-2 At least the basic guarantee for exception safety shall be provided for
all operations. In addition, each function may offer either the strong
guarantee or the nothrow guarantee.
Partially automated Required Yes
A15-0-3 Exception safety guarantee of a called function shall be considered. Non-automated Required Yes
A15-0-4 Unchecked exceptions shall be used to represent errors from which
the caller cannot reasonably be expected to recover.
Non-automated Required No
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Rule Description Automation type Category Supported
A15-0-5 Checked exceptions shall be used to represent errors from which the
caller can reasonably be expected to recover.
Non-automated Required No
A15-0-6 An analysis shall be performed to analyze the failure modes of
exception handling. In particular, the following failure modes shall
be analyzed: (a) worst time execution time not existing or cannot
be determined, (b) stack not correctly unwound, (c) exception not
thrown, other exception thrown, wrong catch activated, (d) memory
not available while exception handling.
Non-automated Required No
A15-0-7 Exception handling mechanism shall guarantee a deterministic
worst-case time execution time.
Partially automated Required Yes
A15-0-8 A worst-case execution time (WCET) analysis shall be performed
to determine maximum execution time constraints of the software,
covering in particular the exceptions processing.
Non-automated Required No
A15-1-1 Only instances of types derived from std::exception should be
Automated Advisory Yes
A15-1-2 An exception object shall not be a pointer. Automated Required Yes
A15-1-3 All thrown exceptions should be unique. Automated Advisory Yes
A15-1-4 If a function exits with an exception, then before a throw, the function
shall place all objects/resources that the function constructed in
valid states or it shall delete them.
Partially automated Required Yes
A15-1-5 Exceptions shall not be thrown across execution boundaries. Non-automated Required Yes
A15-2-1 Constructors that are not noexcept shall not be invoked before
program startup.
Automated Required Yes
A15-2-2 If a constructor is not noexcept and the constructor cannot finish
object initialization, then it shall deallocate the object’s resources
and it shall throw an exception.
Partially automated Required Yes
A15-3-2 If a function throws an exception, it shall be handled when
meaningful actions can be taken, otherwise it shall be propagated.
Non-automated Required No
A15-3-3 Main function and a task main function shall catch at least: base
class exceptions from all third-party libraries used, std::exception
and all otherwise unhandled exceptions.
Partially automated Required Yes
A15-3-4 Catch-all (ellipsis and std::exception) handlers shall be used only in
(a) main, (b) task main functions, (c) in functions that are supposed
to isolate independent components and (d) when calling third-
party code that uses exceptions not according to AUTOSAR C++14
Non-automated Required Yes
A15-3-5 A class type exception shall be caught by reference or const
Automated Required Yes
A15-4-1 Dynamic exception-specification shall not be used. Automated Required Yes
A15-4-2 If a function is declared to be noexcept, noexcept(true) or
noexcept(<true condition>), then it shall not exit with an exception.
Automated Required Yes
A15-4-3 The noexcept specification of a function shall either be identical
across all translation units, or identical or more restrictive between a
virtual member function and an overrider.
Automated Required Yes
A15-4-4 A declaration of non-throwing function shall contain noexcept
Automated Required Yes
A15-4-5 Checked exceptions that could be thrown from a function shall be
specified together with the function declaration and they shall be
identical in all function declarations and for all its overriders.
Automated Required Yes
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Rule Description Automation type Category Supported
A15-5-1 All user-provided class destructors, deallocation functions, move
constructors, move assignment operators and swap functions shall
not exit with an exception. A noexcept exception specification shall
be added to these functions as appropriate.
Automated Required Yes
A15-5-2 Program shall not be abruptly terminated. In particular, an implicit
or explicit invocation of std::abort(), std::quick_exit(), std::_Exit(),
std::terminate() shall not be done.
Partially automated Required Yes
A15-5-3 The std::terminate() function shall not be called implicitly. Automated Required Yes
A16-0-1 The pre-processor shall only be used for unconditional and
conditional file inclusion and include guards, and using the following
directives: (1) #ifndef, (2) #ifdef, (3) #if, (4) #if defined, (5) #elif, (6)
#else, (7) #define, (8) #endif, (9) #include.
Automated Required Yes
A16-2-1 The ‘, “, /*, //, \ characters shall not occur in a header file name or in
#include directive.
Automated Required Yes
A16-2-2 There shall be no unused include directives. Automated Required Yes
A16-2-3 An include directive shall be added explicitly for every symbol used
in a file.
Non-automated Required Yes
A16-6-1 #error directive shall not be used. Automated Required Yes
A16-7-1 The #pragma directive shall not be used. Automated Required Yes
A17-0-1 Reserved identifiers, macros and functions in the C++ standard
library shall not be defined, redefined or undefined.
Automated Required Yes
A17-0-2 All project’s code including used libraries (including standard and
user-defined libraries) and any third-party user code shall conform to
the AUTOSAR C++14 Coding Guidelines.
Non-automated Required No
A17-1-1 Use of the C Standard Library shall be encapsulated and isolated. Non-automated Required Yes
A17-6-1 Non-standard entities shall not be added to standard namespaces. Automated Required Yes
A18-0-1 The C library facilities shall only be accessed through C++ library
Automated Required Yes
A18-0-2 The error state of a conversion from string to a numeric value shall
be checked.
Automated Required Yes
A18-0-3 The library <clocale> (locale.h) and the setlocale function shall not be
Automated Required Yes
A18-1-1 C-style arrays shall not be used. Automated Required Yes
A18-1-2 The std::vector<bool> specialization shall not be used. Automated Required Yes
A18-1-3 The std::auto_ptr type shall not be used. Automated Required Yes
A18-1-4 A pointer pointing to an element of an array of objects shall not be
passed to a smart pointer of single object type.
Automated Required Yes
A18-1-6 All std::hash specializations for user-defined types shall have a
noexcept function call operator.
Automated Required Yes
A18-5-1 Functions malloc, calloc, realloc and free shall not be used. Automated Required Yes
A18-5-2 Non-placement new or delete expressions shall not be used. Partially automated Required Yes
A18-5-3 The form of the delete expression shall match the form of the new
expression used to allocate the memory.
Automated Required Yes
A18-5-4 If a project has sized or unsized version of operator “delete” globally
defined, then both sized and unsized versions shall be defined.
Automated Required Yes
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Rule Description Automation type Category Supported
A18-5-5 Memory management functions shall ensure the following: (a)
deterministic behavior resulting with the existence of worst-case
execution time, (b) avoiding memory fragmentation, (c) avoid
running out of memory, (d) avoiding mismatched allocations or
deallocations, (e) no dependence on non-deterministic calls to kernel.
Partially automated Required Yes
A18-5-6 An analysis shall be performed to analyze the failure modes of
dynamic memory management. In particular, the following failure
modes shall be analyzed: (a) non-deterministic behavior resulting
with nonexistence of worst-case execution time, (b) memory
fragmentation, (c) running out of memory, (d) mismatched
allocations and deallocations, (e) dependence on non-deterministic
calls to kernel.
Non-automated Required No
A18-5-7 If non-realtime implementation of dynamic memory management
functions is used in the project, then memory shall only be allocated
and deallocated during non-realtime program phases.
Non-automated Required No
A18-5-8 Objects that do not outlive a function shall have automatic storage
Partially automated Required Yes
A18-5-9 Custom implementations of dynamic memory allocation and
deallocation functions shall meet the semantic requirements
specified in the corresponding “Required behaviour” clause from the
C++ Standard.
Automated Required Yes
A18-5-10 Placement new shall be used only with properly aligned pointers to
sufficient storage capacity.
Automated Required Yes
A18-5-11 operator new” and “operator delete” shall be defined together. Automated Required Yes
A18-9-1 The std::bind shall not be used. Automated Required Yes
A18-9-2 Forwarding values to other functions shall be done via: (1) std::move
if the value is an rvalue reference, (2) std::forward if the value is
forwarding reference.
Automated Required Yes
A18-9-3 The std::move shall not be used on objects declared const or const&. Automated Required Yes
A18-9-4 An argument to std::forward shall not be subsequently used. Automated Required Yes
A20-8-1 An already-owned pointer value shall not be stored in an unrelated
smart pointer.
Automated Required Yes
A20-8-2 A std::unique_ptr shall be used to represent exclusive ownership. Automated Required Yes
A20-8-3 A std::shared_ptr shall be used to represent shared ownership. Automated Required Yes
A20-8-4 A std::unique_ptr shall be used over std::shared_ptr if ownership
sharing is not required.
Automated Required Yes
A20-8-5 std::make_unique shall be used to construct objects owned by
Automated Required Yes
A20-8-6 std::make_shared shall be used to construct objects owned by
Automated Required Yes
A20-8-7 A std::weak_ptr shall be used to represent temporary shared
Non-automated Required Yes
A21-8-1 Arguments to character-handling functions shall be representable as
an unsigned char.
Automated Required Yes
A23-0-1 An iterator shall not be implicitly converted to const_iterator. Automated Required Yes
A23-0-2 Elements of a container shall only be accessed via valid references,
iterators, and pointers.
Automated Required Yes
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Rule Description Automation type Category Supported
A25-1-1 Non-static data members or captured values of predicate function
objects that are state related to this object’s identity shall not be
Automated Required Yes
A25-4-1 Ordering predicates used with associative containers and STL
sorting and related algorithms shall adhere to a strict weak ordering
Non-automated Required Yes
A26-5-1 Pseudorandom numbers shall not be generated using std::rand(). Automated Required Yes
A26-5-2 Random number engines shall not be default-initialized. Automated Required Yes
A27-0-1 Inputs from independent components shall be validated. Non-automated Required No
A27-0-2 A C-style string shall guarantee sufficient space for data and the null
Automated Required Yes
A27-0-3 Alternate input and output operations on a file stream shall not be
used without an intervening flush or positioning call.
Automated Required Yes
A27-0-4 C-style strings shall not be used. Automated Required Yes
M0-1-1 A project shall not contain unreachable code. Automated Required Yes
M0-1-2 A project shall not contain infeasible paths. Automated Required Yes
M0-1-3 A project shall not contain unused variables. Automated Required Yes
M0-1-4 A project shall not contain non-volatile POD variables having only
one use.
Automated Required Yes
M0-1-8 All functions with void return type shall have external side effect(s). Automated Required Yes
M0-1-9 There shall be no dead code. Automated Required Yes
M0-1-10 Every defined function should be called at least once. Automated Advisory Yes
M0-2-1 An object shall not be assigned to an overlapping object. Automated Required Yes
M0-3-1 Minimization of run-time failures shall be ensured by the use of
at least one of: (a) static analysis tools/techniques; (b) dynamic
analysis tools/techniques; (c) explicit coding of checks to handle
run-time faults.
Non-automated Required No
M0-3-2 If a function generates error information, then that error information
shall be tested.
Non-automated Required Yes
M0-4-1 Use of scaled-integer or fixed-point arithmetic shall be documented. Non-automated Required No
M0-4-2 Use of floating-point arithmetic shall be documented. Non-automated Required No
M1-0-2 Multiple compilers shall only be used if they have a common, defined
Non-automated Required No
M2-7-1 The character sequence /* shall not be used within a C-style
Automated Required Yes
M2-10-1 Different identifiers shall be typographically unambiguous. Automated Required Yes
M2-13-2 Octal constants (other than zero) and octal escape sequences (other
than “\0” ) shall not be used.
Automated Required Yes
M2-13-3 A “U” suffix shall be applied to all octal or hexadecimal integer literals
of unsigned type.
Automated Required Yes
M2-13-4 Literal suffixes shall be upper case. Automated Required Yes
M3-1-2 Functions shall not be declared at block scope. Automated Required Yes
M3-2-1 All declarations of an object or function shall have compatible types. Automated Required Yes
M3-2-2 The One Definition Rule shall not be violated. Automated Required Yes
M3-2-3 A type, object or function that is used in multiple translation units
shall be declared in one and only one file.
Automated Required Yes
M3-2-4 An identifier with external linkage shall have exactly one definition. Automated Required Yes
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Rule Description Automation type Category Supported
M3-3-2 If a function has internal linkage then all re-declarations shall include
the static storage class specifier.
Automated Required Yes
M3-4-1 An identifier declared to be an object or type shall be defined in a
block that minimizes its visibility.
Automated Required Yes
M3-9-1 The types used for an object, a function return type, or a function
parameter shall be token-for-token identical in all declarations and
Automated Required Yes
M3-9-3 The underlying bit representations of floating-point values shall not
be used.
Automated Required Yes
M4-5-1 Expressions with type bool shall not be used as operands to
built-in operators other than the assignment operator =, the logical
operators &&, ||, !, the equality operators == and !=, the unary &
operator, and the conditional operator.
Automated Required Yes
M4-5-3 Expressions with type (plain) char and wchar_t shall not be used as
operands to built-in operators other than the assignment operator =,
the equality operators == and !=, and the unary & operator.
Automated Required Yes
M4-10-1 NULL shall not be used as an integer value. Automated Required Yes
M4-10-2 Literal zero (0) shall not be used as the null-pointer-constant. Automated Required Yes
M5-0-2 Limited dependence should be placed on C++ operator precedence
rules in expressions.
Partially automated Advisory Yes
M5-0-3 A cvalue expression shall not be implicitly converted to a different
underlying type.
Automated Required Yes
M5-0-4 An implicit integral conversion shall not change the signedness of
the underlying type.
Automated Required Yes
M5-0-5 There shall be no implicit floating-integral conversions. Automated Required Yes
M5-0-6 An implicit integral or floating-point conversion shall not reduce the
size of the underlying type.
Automated Required Yes
M5-0-7 There shall be no explicit floating-integral conversions of a cvalue
Automated Required Yes
M5-0-8 An explicit integral or floating-point conversion shall not increase the
size of the underlying type of a cvalue expression.
Automated Required Yes
M5-0-9 An explicit integral conversion shall not change the signedness of
the underlying type of a cvalue expression.
Automated Required Yes
M5-0-10 If the bitwise operators ~and << are applied to an operand with an
underlying type of unsigned char or unsigned short, the result shall
be immediately cast to the underlying type of the operand.
Automated Required Yes
M5-0-11 The plain char type shall only be used for the storage and use of
character values.
Automated Required Yes
M5-0-12 Signed char and unsigned char type shall only be used for the
storage and use of numeric values.
Automated Required Yes
M5-0-14 The first operand of a conditional-operator shall have type bool. Automated Required Yes
M5-0-15 Array indexing shall be the only form of pointer arithmetic. Automated Required Yes
M5-0-16 A pointer operand and any pointer resulting from pointer arithmetic
using that operand shall both address elements of the same array.
Automated Required Yes
M5-0-17 Subtraction between pointers shall only be applied to pointers that
address elements of the same array.
Automated Required Yes
M5-0-18 >, >=, <, <= shall not be applied to objects of pointer type, except
where they point to the same array.
Automated Required Yes
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Rule Description Automation type Category Supported
M5-0-20 Non-constant operands to a binary bitwise operator shall have the
same underlying type.
Automated Required Yes
M5-0-21 Bitwise operators shall only be applied to operands of unsigned
underlying type.
Automated Required Yes
M5-2-2 A pointer to a virtual base class shall only be cast to a pointer to a
derived class by means of dynamic_cast.
Automated Required Yes
M5-2-3 Casts from a base class to a derived class should not be performed
on polymorphic types.
Automated Advisory Yes
M5-2-6 A cast shall not convert a pointer to a function to any other pointer
type, including a pointer to function type.
Automated Required Yes
M5-2-8 An object with integer type or pointer to void type shall not be
converted to an object with pointer type.
Automated Required Yes
M5-2-9 A cast shall not convert a pointer type to an integral type. Automated Required Yes
M5-2-10 The increment (++) and decrement (--) operators shall not be mixed
with other operators in an expression.
Automated Required Yes
M5-2-11 The comma operator, && operator and the || operator shall not be
Automated Required Yes
M5-2-12 An identifier with array type passed as a function argument shall not
decay to a pointer.
Automated Required Yes
M5-3-1 Each operand of the ! operator, the logical && or the logical ||
operators shall have type bool.
Automated Required Yes
M5-3-2 The unary minus operator shall not be applied to an expression
whose underlying type is unsigned.
Automated Required Yes
M5-3-3 The unary & operator shall not be overloaded. Automated Required Yes
M5-3-4 Evaluation of the operand to the sizeof operator shall not contain
side effects.
Automated Required Yes
M5-8-1 The right hand operand of a shift operator shall lie between zero and
one less than the width in bits of the underlying type of the left hand
Partially automated Required Yes
M5-14-1 The right hand operand of a logical &&, || operators shall not contain
side effects.
Automated Required Yes
M5-17-1 The semantic equivalence between a binary operator and its
assignment operator form shall be preserved.
Non-automated Required No
M5-18-1 The comma operator shall not be used. Automated Required Yes
M5-19-1 Evaluation of constant unsigned integer expressions shall not lead to
Automated Required Yes
M6-2-1 Assignment operators shall not be used in sub-expressions. Automated Required Yes
M6-2-2 Floating-point expressions shall not be directly or indirectly tested for
equality or inequality.
Partially automated Required Yes
M6-2-3 Before preprocessing, a null statement shall only occur on a line
by itself; it may be followed by a comment, provided that the first
character following the null statement is a white-space character.
Automated Required Yes
M6-3-1 The statement forming the body of a switch, while, do ... while or for
statement shall be a compound statement.
Automated Required Yes
M6-4-1 An if ( condition ) construct shall be followed by a compound
statement. The else keyword shall be followed by either a compound
statement, or another if statement.
Automated Required Yes
| synopsys.com | 15
Rule Description Automation type Category Supported
M6-4-2 All if ... else if constructs shall be terminated with an else clause. Automated Required Yes
M6-4-3 A switch statement shall be a well-formed switch statement. Automated Required Yes
M6-4-4 A switch-label shall only be used when the most closely-enclosing
compound statement is the body of a switch statement.
Automated Required Yes
M6-4-5 An unconditional throw or break statement shall terminate every
non-empty switch-clause.
Automated Required Yes
M6-4-6 The final clause of a switch statement shall be the default-clause. Automated Required Yes
M6-4-7 The condition of a switch statement shall not have bool type. Automated Required Yes
M6-5-2 If loop-counter is not modified by -- or ++, then, within condition, the
loop-counter shall only be used as an operand to <=, <, > or >=.
Automated Required Yes
M6-5-3 The loop-counter shall not be modified within condition or statement. Automated Required Yes
M6-5-4 The loop-counter shall be modified by one of: --, ++, -= n, or += n;
where n remains constant for the duration of the loop.
Automated Required Yes
M6-5-5 A loop-control-variable other than the loop-counter shall not be
modified within condition or expression.
Automated Required Yes
M6-5-6 A loop-control-variable other than the loop-counter which is modified
in statement shall have type bool.
Automated Required Yes
M6-6-1 Any label referenced by a goto statement shall be declared in the
same block, or in a block enclosing the goto statement.
Automated Required Yes
M6-6-2 The goto statement shall jump to a label declared later in the same
function body.
Automated Required Yes
M6-6-3 The continue statement shall only be used within a well-formed for
Automated Required Yes
M7-1-2 A pointer or reference parameter in a function shall be declared as
pointer to const or reference to const if the corresponding object is
not modified.
Automated Required Yes
M7-3-1 The global namespace shall only contain main, namespace
declarations and extern “C” declarations.
Automated Required Yes
M7-3-2 The identifier main shall not be used for a function other than the
global function main.
Automated Required Yes
M7-3-3 There shall be no unnamed namespaces in header files. Automated Required Yes
M7-3-4 Using-directives shall not be used. Automated Required Yes
M7-3-6 Using-directives and using-declarations (excluding class scope or
function scope using-declarations) shall not be used in header files.
Automated Required Yes
M7-4-1 All usage of assembler shall be documented. Non-automated Required No
M7-4-2 Assembler instructions shall only be introduced using the asm
Automated Required Yes
M7-4-3 Assembly language shall be encapsulated and isolated. Automated Required Yes
M7-5-1 A function shall not return a reference or a pointer to an automatic
variable (including parameters), defined within the function.
Non-automated Required Yes
M7-5-2 The address of an object with automatic storage shall not be
assigned to another object that may persist after the first object has
ceased to exist.
Non-automated Required Yes
M8-0-1 An init-declarator-list or a member-declarator-list shall consist of a
single init-declarator or member-declarator respectively.
Automated Required Yes
| synopsys.com | 16
Rule Description Automation type Category Supported
M8-3-1 Parameters in an overriding virtual function shall either use the same
default arguments as the function they override, or else shall not
specify any default arguments.
Automated Required Yes
M8-4-2 The identifiers used for the parameters in a re-declaration of a
function shall be identical to those in the declaration.
Automated Required Yes
M8-4-4 A function identifier shall either be used to call the function or it shall
be preceded by &.
Automated Required Yes
M8-5-2 Braces shall be used to indicate and match the structure in the non-
zero initialization of arrays and structures.
Automated Required Yes
M9-3-1 Const member functions shall not return non-const pointers or
references to class-data.
Automated Required Yes
M9-3-3 If a member function can be made static then it shall be made static,
otherwise if it can be made const then it shall be made const.
Automated Required Yes
M9-6-1 When the absolute positioning of bits representing a bit-field
is required, then the behavior and packing of bit-fields shall be
Non-automated Required No
M9-6-4 Named bit-fields with signed integer type shall have a length of more
than one bit.
Automated Required Yes
M10-1-1 Classes should not be derived from virtual bases. Automated Advisory Yes
M10-1-2 A base class shall only be declared virtual if it is used in a diamond
Automated Required Yes
M10-1-3 An accessible base class shall not be both virtual and non-virtual in
the same hierarchy.
Automated Required Yes
M10-2-1 All accessible entity names within a multiple inheritance hierarchy
should be unique.
Automated Advisory Yes
M10-3-3 A virtual function shall only be overridden by a pure virtual function if
it is itself declared as pure virtual.
Automated Required Yes
M11-0-1 Member data in non-POD class types shall be private. Automated Required Yes
M12-1-1 An object’s dynamic type shall not be used from the body of its
constructor or destructor.
Automated Required Yes
M14-5-3 A copy assignment operator shall be declared when there is a
template assignment operator with a parameter that is a generic
Automated Required Yes
M14-6-1 In a class template with a dependent base, any name that may be
found in that dependent base shall be referred to using a qualified-id
or this->.
Automated Required Yes
M15-0-3 Control shall not be transferred into a try or catch block using a goto
or a switch statement.
Automated Required Yes
M15-1-1 The assignment-expression of a throw statement shall not itself
cause an exception to be thrown.
Automated Required Yes
M15-1-2 NULL shall not be thrown explicitly. Automated Required Yes
M15-1-3 An empty throw (throw;) shall only be used in the compound
statement of a catch handler.
Automated Required Yes
M15-3-1 Exceptions shall be raised only after start-up and before termination. Automated Required Yes
M15-3-3 Handlers of a function-try-block implementation of a class
constructor or destructor shall not reference non-static members
from this class or its bases.
Automated Required Yes
| synopsys.com | 17
Rule Description Automation type Category Supported
M15-3-4 Each exception explicitly thrown in the code shall have a handler of a
compatible type in all call paths that could lead to that point.
Automated Required Yes
M15-3-6 Where multiple handlers are provided in a single try-catch statement
or function-try-block for a derived class and some or all of its bases,
the handlers shall be ordered most-derived to base class.
Automated Required Yes
M15-3-7 Where multiple handlers are provided in a single try-catch statement
or function-try-block, any ellipsis (catch-all) handler shall occur last.
Automated Required Yes
M16-0-1 #include directives in a file shall only be preceded by other pre-
processor directives or comments.
Automated Required Yes
M16-0-2 Macros shall only be #define’d or #undef’d in the global namespace. Automated Required Yes
M16-0-5 Arguments to a function-like macro shall not contain tokens that
look like pre-processing directives.
Automated Required Yes
M16-0-6 In the definition of a function-like macro, each instance of a
parameter shall be enclosed in parentheses, unless it is used as the
operand of # or ##.
Automated Required Yes
M16-0-7 Undefined macro identifiers shall not be used in #if or #elif pre-
processor directives, except as operands to the defined operator.
Automated Required Yes
M16-0-8 If the # token appears as the first token on a line, then it shall be
immediately followed by a pre-processing token.
Automated Required Yes
M16-1-1 The defined pre-processor operator shall only be used in one of the
two standard forms.
Automated Required Yes
M16-1-2 All #else, #elif and #endif pre-processor directives shall reside in the
same file as the #if or #ifdef directive to which they are related.
Automated Required Yes
M16-2-3 Include guards shall be provided. Automated Required Yes
M16-3-1 There shall be at most one occurrence of the # or ## operators in a
single macro definition.
Automated Required Yes
M16-3-2 The # and ## operators should not be used. Automated Advisory Yes
M17-0-2 The names of standard library macros and objects shall not be
Automated Required Yes
M17-0-3 The names of standard library functions shall not be overridden. Automated Required Yes
M17-0-5 The setjmp macro and the longjmp function shall not be used. Automated Required Yes
M18-0-3 The library functions abort, exit, getenv and system from library
<cstdlib> shall not be used.
Automated Required Yes
M18-0-4 The time handling functions of library <ctime> shall not be used. Automated Required Yes
M18-0-5 The unbounded functions of library <cstring> shall not be used. Automated Required Yes
M18-2-1 The macro offsetof shall not be used. Automated Required Yes
M18-7-1 The signal handling facilities of <csignal> shall not be used. Automated Required Yes
M19-3-1 The error indicator errno shall not be used. Automated Required Yes
M27-0-1 The stream input/output library <cstdio> shall not be used. Automated Required Yes
The Synopsys difference
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